The Modern Head-hunters And The Vulgar Society

in #brain7 years ago (edited)

The economy of the west is largely based on a modern form of head-hunting known as psychiatry. They have been called head-shrinkers for a reason. If you are not actually producing things or farming the land the only way to make money is to harvest money from people and the main way this is done in the western world is through psychiatry. Psychiatrists are head-hunters. They are called that because their medications they prescribe cause brain damage.

Everything in the west is based on words and mind games. Actual work is looked down upon and paid meagerly so foreigners are brought in to do that. Much of the work in the west now is just nothings, often counter-productive scams done on people such as psychiatry. The state has been wedded to psychiatry in such a way so that the economic cannibalism done upon the psychiatric "patient" is done with the collaboration of the system.

In the Icelandic rune poem it says "Man is the game of man" for this ᛉ rune, the man rune. This is especially true in the modern western society where due to a lack of jobs involved with the harvesting of food and producing of goods many people have turned to try to find ways of harvesting money from humans and psychiatry has been among the most lucrative means of doing this. This has come with a tremendous social cost though.

If a person does a drug it is not only them who are affected by the drug, everyone is. We are part of consciousness fields, fields of electromagnetic energy that link our nervous systems. If someone takes LSD at a party their state of mind can rub off on others. Some call this a contact high. The result of psychiatric drugs being foisted upon humanity is that not only have those who have been prescribed those drugs been damaged. The Minds of everyone in society have been damaged and the quality of the collective consciousness of society has declined as a result.

This is directly linked with the increased vulgarity in society compared to 50 years ago. Vulgarity is a sign of brain damage. Vulgarity is the verbal equivalent of smearing ones body waste upon walls, a person who smears body waste upon walls is clearly seen for being mentally challenged. A person who is very vulgar is the same. Verbal vulgarity is the verbal equivalent of doing that. Society as a whole has been brain damaged by psychiatry and this is why society is vulgar nowadays. The only way to protect oneself from it is to guard what one lets into ones personal sphere and for one to select carefully what community one associates with as a sort of Noah's Ark strategy to avoid contact with the vulgarity of society.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that nature is self-organizing. The fact that society has a huge industry associated with head-hunting has resulted in people organizing around that industry in a certain. Way. In western society aggression is mainly verbal, this does not mean harmless though. Verbal abuse is very serious. Verbal abuse and harassment is tantamount to grooming someone to become vulnerable to predation by the psychiatric industry.

If the police are harassing someone or if bullies are bullying someone or if there are other types of harassment, perhaps sexual harassment, whatever the case is: these are all forms of aggression designed to make people become vulnerable to being victimized by the psychiatric industry which is an industry that profits by inflicting brain damage upon people. Everything in the western world is a mind game. Its all about words. And by mind game I don't mean a chess game. I mean peoples words are like spears and if one chooses to be among the wrong people ones mind can become damaged as a result of verbal abuse which can then lead to it becoming even more damaged by psychiatrists.

Brain damage caused by verbal abuse can disrupt ones judgement ability and lead to one making bad decisions. The idea that words are nothing and "just words" is not true. Words can cause damage to a persons nervous system.
