A Play on Reality (Part 5 of 5: The universe as a hologram)

in #brain7 years ago (edited)

This lead Bohm to take a closer look at order and what it really is. In science, there are two main genres, those in order, and those in disorder/random arrangement such as spilling sand on the floor. Bohm realized that there are different degrees of order and that there may be no end to the degree of order in our existence, mathematics has even yet to prove disorder. An example of this idea that lead Bohm to his conclusion was an experiment done with a drop of ink placed in a jar of glycerine and a rotating cylinder attached to a handle inside of the jar. When the handle is turned, the drop looks to spread out and eventually disappear, but when the handle is turned in reverse, the drop comes back together, this shows how order can be manifest. After this finding, Bohm’s new metaphor for understanding order was the hologram because it too provides order understanding with the interference patterns recorded on the film that seemed, to the naked eye, to be at random placement, but actually possessed enfolded order in the same way that a plasma enfolded in “random” behavior of each of its electrons.
The universe, therefore, is shown to have holographic principles and to Bohm seemed to indeed be a giant hologram.
Most physicists are still skeptical of this idea, though holding high respect for Bohm’s intelligence, believe that his theory is too far-fetched, or flat out does not make sense. However, there are a good amount of well-founded scientists who do indeed support this idea and feel that it is necessary for future generations to look further into Bohm’s work and perhaps one day be lead to the answer, is the universe a hologram? And if so, what is it a hologram of, and what created this hologram?
Combining the theories of both Pribram and Bohm, we get a synopsis that our brains mathematically build our reality by interpreting frequencies of waves that are ultimately projections from another dimension that is from a deeper order of existence perhaps beyond space and time. The brain seems to be a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.consciousnessbrgrid.jpg


Thank you, you have opened my mind into a new universe.

feels amazing just to hear that! (: