Romans 8:29, 

*for whom he did foreknew, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son...*


The uncertainty for what the future holds has bred in many the fret, anxiety, struggle and restlessness we see in people today. *The Christian has a holistic call to unperturbed and absolute soundness of rest*. No matter the circumstance, as a child of God, you must honour this holistic call. *There is no reason for fear and struggle, you have entered into the unfeigned rest of God.*

From our theme verse, we see a blessed assurance for our life. Them that are foreknown by God have been predestinated. *The word predestinate means “established unalterably”, “certainly sure”.* *As a child of God, you were foreknown by God, after him knowing you beforehand, he unalterably established your final destination in life which is conformity to the very image of his son Jesus.*


*Your destiny is fixed, it cannot go worse with your life.* *The overall circumstances and conditions in life, them that favor and disfavor you, are all supernaturally orchestrated to work out for your good.* Therefore, they are all furthering the agenda of “conformity to the image of Jesus”.


Refuse to walk in life as a them that are trying to make something in life, *as a child of God you are not here to formulate and invent how to make life for yourself, God has done that already*. Your life is fixed therefore, let God Be God. *The ordeals of life cannot in anyway change your destiny.*  You live in the supreme rest of the Kingdom. 

 We know the God we believe! *We don’t struggle in life; we live in the place of rest.* *Christ our rest!*

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