MMA Fans Delusional About Mayweather v McGregor?

in #boxing8 years ago (edited)

Are MMA fans just delusional or are they just part of the promotional vehicle trying to push people to believe that this Mayweather/McGregor farce is actually worth buying?
I find it higly amusing that there are people, real life people, supposedly respected so-called analysts and journalists who think Conor is going to beat Floyd!
The saying goes that an empty drum makes the most noise, so it may well be that the intelligent supporters of MMA are simply being drowned out by the rabid knuckle-dragging neanderthals. But I am yet to see a single MMA video which doesn't have a comments section filled with MMA fans foaming at the mouth and convinced that Conor is going to knock-out Floyd. This is the same Floyd Mayweather who has a professional boxing record of FOURTY-NINE Wins and ZERO losses. The very same Floyd Mayweather who has not only never lost, but he's never even been knocked down, forget about being knocked out!
But Conor McGregor is supposed to be The One get that trifecta of sorts - knock-down, KO, and take the '0' of Floyd? Conor who himself has the impressive professional boxing record of zero losses... Granted with zero wins and zero fights, but those are mere technicalities. Let's not let this discussion be derailed by such minor things as facts.
Much is being made of Conor's sparring sessions with Paulie Malignaggi, but does it really need to be pointed out that Paulie Malignaggi is no Floyd Mayweather?
Mayweather is the greatest defensive fighter of his generation, if not all-time. So how is it feasible that the most impregnable defense in boxing will be broken down by some.... Conor isn't even a part-timer, he's basically the ultimate armchair warrior when it comes to boxing. He's just some guy who isn't a professional boxer who talked himself into a fight.