A holly jolly bowling Christmas in Vietnam

in #bowling3 months ago

You didn't think I was just going to stop talking about bowling did you? Well, we had our Christmas bowling special this past week and we got a pretty decent turnout of 20 people as well. The people were in high spirits and the music that we were playing started out with Christmas carols. After half a dozen people, one of them being me, requested that the music be changed, we didn't play any more Christmas music. It's not that we are a bunch of Scrooges, but when you live in a tourist area the way that almost all of us do, you are constantly subjected to loud Christmas music by almost any restaurant or business who think that this is what we foreigners want to listen to at all times. We do not.


The bowling alley in DaNang that we go to, as well as almost every other establishment in this city, has a Christmas tree up in the lanes with fake presents under it and they must just keep this in the back every year and pull it out every now and then. There are quite a few Christian Vietnamese people and Catholicism is the number 1 "global religion in the country. However, the Vietnamese people tend to not celebrate the holiday in a commercial way that we do in the west. I am extremely grateful for that because while it was fun as a kid, it is just a really wasteful holiday in my mind and one that I can do without.

Back to the bowling

After my return from Mexico I was back in the premiere league after just two weeks back. the rules for promotion have been changed a bit so the person with the highest score in the 2nd division automatically gets to be in the match for promotion and the next 4 high scores have a chance at bowling against them. On my first week back I got the highest score and while the woman who bowled against me was decent, she wasn't really on my level and I defeated her by nearly 100 points across 3 games.

Now that I am in the premiere league, I have a spot with 6 other people at the top as we capped the top-tier at 7 names. It functions just like international football/soccer outside of the USA. If you perform, you stay up, if you get the lowest score of the week, you are relegated (removed) and replaced by someone who just got promoted.

I have been in the Premiere League for 2 weeks now but my name has not come up in the random name generator wheel for who is going to bowl for the overall championship.


In both weeks that I have been in the premiere league since my return from Mexico, I have been in the top 3 high scores, but never the very top. When you get the top score for the day your name goes into the "wheel" twice and the next 2 highest scores get one spot. Every single time that we have done this since introducing it the person whose name was in the wheel twice ended up getting a shot at the title. Next week we have a pretty interesting situation because there has only ever been a female champion in DUMBO once in the history of its existence. The woman who is bowling against our current (and newly crowned) champion is very good. For example, had she been playing for the title last week with the scores that she got, she would have won it. But as we say "you gotta be in it, to win it!" and getting a higher score than the current champion means nothing unless you are selected bot play against them.

I think that one of the things that could be considered an advantage for the woman who is going for the title shot next week is also that Thursday just happens to be the day after Christmas this year and I know for a fact that the current champion sees holidays such as this one as an opportunity to go out and get absolutely slobberknockered at the bar. He is VERY likely to turn up on Thursday with a banger of a headache while she, a sensible drinker, is unlikely to be in the same boat.

So we very well could have a new champion crowned on Thursday and if it ends up being the woman, history will be made.