MISTAKES; What I Should be Making.
Growing up we’ve been made to believe that making mistakes was such a bad thing, there was zero tolerance for mistakes, some were restricted from doing certain things or participating in some events to avoid making mistakes.
Honestly, is making a mistake really a bad idea? I believe u will be able to answer this question at the end of this piece.
Albert Einstien said “Anyone who has never made any mistake has never tried anything new.” In other words anyone who has made a mistake has tried something new, thus, mistake is the evidence of something new. There are a numbers of books written on making mistakes, such as: It’s ok to Make a Mistake by Todd Parr, Why we Make Mistakes by Joseph T. Hallianan, Mistakes were Made (But not by me) by Carol Tarris & Elliot Aronson, and Making Mistakes on Purpose by Elise Primavera. Even Harvard Business Review did a piece on The Miracle of Making Mistakes by Vineet Nayar. This tells us the seriousness and importance of this topic.
According to oxford dictionary, mistake is an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong. It can also be something that doesn't work out as one intended. One thing that come along with every mistake is the PRICE, most often than not, we get scared of making mistakes because of the price. However, we have to understand that, innovation only flourishes when people are giving the room to make mistakes. Thus, we must not feel frightened or alone about making mistakes, because, every professional was once an amateur who made mistakes, and every teacher was once a student who made mistakes. Thus, there is nothing mystical about making mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi said “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
It is interesting to note that there are a lot of books about mistakes written for children, they are now been encouraged to make mistakes and learn from them. This is owing to the fact that the price of a mistake has a higher future value. For instance, a pilot in training will first practise with a simulator before flying a real plane; this is done to enable the pilot make every mistake possible with the simulator because, the cost of those mistakes is nothing compared to that of a real plane. You will agree with me that some mistakes were better made when we were much younger; the only price to pay then was a knock on the head or what Yoruba people call “igbati oloyi.” Now, such mistake can cost one’s job, marriage or even one’s life. It is better to make a mistake now and learn from it when you can still pay the price, than to make that mistake in future when you can no longer afford to pay the price. Making mistakes is a proof that you are learning.
This piece does not seek to trivialise mistakes, but only attempts to demystify it. I leave you with this quote.
It is unwise to be too sure of one’s wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest weaken and the wisest might err. - Mahatma Gandhi.

My dad says “it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them”. It took me a long time to come to terms with that. It’s also better to make mistakes when you’re young.
A wise man.......,
I'm glad u've come to terms with it
Honestly, is making a mistake really a bad idea? I believe u will be able to answer this question at the end of this piece.
Making mistakes isn't bad, it only becomes bad when you fail to learn a lesson from your mistakes.
I strongly agree.........
learning should be the motive behind every attempt or trial.
I remember when i often beat myself up with regret because of my mistakes, but now i know that those mistakes are important for my process. You are right, it is good to make mistake when young, so that it won't cost us something bigger when older..
Honestly, you understand the point...
I'm sure u're a better person now because you were able to learn from those mistakes
A english proverb says"once bitten twice shy"
To me mistakes brings out the conciousness in me towards making decision.I learn from it and it makes better the next time.Some mistakes are termed "costly mistake" because of the weight of the repercution but irrespective of how heavy it might be,it only takes longer time to fix or you just have to learn from it and let it go!
Move on!!
The truth is that every mistake has a price tag.
That big question is "are we ready to pay the price?"......... and trust me the price is not static.
Do whatever makes you happy and it is completely natural to you . It is up to you how you behave , and if you think it is right , no matter what others say , there will always be bad mouths to talk about you .
Never care about the ones that do not care about you in this sensibile subject .
You got that right, there will always be bad mouth.....
Some will do it because they love you, while others will do it just to spite u.
Exactly. This is the way and we must accept it.
Amazing post Blessing!
If there's one thing I learned about life, it is knowing that mistakes are not made to mar you, but to make you a better person should you learn from it.
Less than 3 months ago, I made quite a costly mistake, but instead of burying myself in regret, I decided to shake it off as I won't ever make such a wrong move again, and I will be able to help another person who is about to do the same.
Thank you.............
And yes, sharing our mistake story is a wonderful way of helping someone else from making that same error.
Coincidentally, that Einstein's quote is my favorite. I believe in trying new things and making mistakes. I just learn from it and move on.
That is the best spirit to have ....... moving on might not seem as easy as it sounds, but we have to try.
Oh yeah
Making mistakes is not a bad thing, it makes you discover more truth about who you truly are.
I take me for example, i like to explore, try out new and daring things, if I make a mistake at first attempt, the mistake won't repeat itself the second time shows that I have learnt.
Mistake is truly a proof that we are learning.
Learning should always and forever be the end result of mistakes
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