My Daily Report[27-06-2018]

in #bot7 years ago

Hello Dear Steemian,

This is my daily report on high rewarded posts I've selected and upvoted ( Which are Paid out ).
Anyone who is in my curation trail can enjoy high curation rewards.
AuthorLinkPayout Befor VoteVotes Befor VotePayoutVotes
@lienminh247Post1.838 $3123.286 $57
@adara-ioPost0.898 $14127.312 $65
@kouhei-gahakuPost1.542 $3835.407 $52
@manhlabaPost3.196 $9668.47 $124
@doctorspencePost0.046 $51.075 $23
@steemmonstersPost1.309 $10138.176 $143
@antonellaPost0.006 $353.493 $54
@moneyroadPost0.056 $969.574 $68
@bitcoindollarPost0.853 $10100.1 $46
@azadkuPost0.006 $326.562 $38
@i-holidayPost0.064 $1027.815 $107
@taavetiPost0.064 $1073.862 $64
@galleraniPost1.076 $5133.292 $62
@mehtaPost1.476 $7198.156 $206
@cryptothoughtsPost0.235 $3896.044 $155
@awakeningartistPost0.454 $952.262 $39
@runicarPost0.55 $1962.836 $176
@geetasnaniPost0.898 $23179.796 $130
@larrymorrisonPost0.075 $7736.686 $609
@milaozPost0.19 $362.9 $69
@devrajsinghrawatPost0.137 $785.474 $262
@reservedsinglePost0.048 $526.702 $30
@antonellaPost0.007 $552.971 $48
@godfleshPost0.142 $726.552 $30
@quantalysusPost0.046 $526.357 $58
@mitiPost0.187 $774.27 $163
@extremeromancePost0.395 $1181.786 $205
@antonellaPost0.007 $539.878 $56
@steemmonstersPost2.098 $37121.892 $120
@steemrafflesPost0.007 $513.549 $34
@trevonjbPost0.247 $5696.329 $629
@dombusinessPost0.091 $10154.511 $620

If you want to join my curation trail, just check out this post for further informations
