My Daily Report[23-06-2018]

in #bot7 years ago

Hello Dear Steemian,

This is my daily report on high rewarded posts I've selected and upvoted ( Which are Paid out ).
Anyone who is in my curation trail can enjoy high curation rewards.
AuthorLinkPayout Befor VoteVotes Befor VotePayoutVotes
@stimp1024Post2.355 $10976.692 $133
@stimp1024Post2.638 $14449.504 $181
@bunnypuncherPost1.396 $166141.95 $201
@crypto-moonPost0.663 $43106.947 $90
@doctorspencePost0.393 $52.095 $33
@cryptouruPost4.26 $2179.438 $59
@shibasakiPost1.783 $1746.555 $57
@amitsharmaPost0.267 $11276.01 $220
@happymoneymanPost0.24 $8727.439 $553
@aayalac22Post0.515 $1231.599 $48
@manhlabaPost0.011 $176.697 $255
@godfleshPost0.123 $334.195 $51
@mitiPost0.014 $5104.881 $92
@milaozPost0.181 $2139.429 $82
@crypto.hypePost0.14 $5862.224 $219
@crypto-moonPost0.023 $31.756 $28
@runicarPost0.802 $777.247 $109
@godfleshPost0.139 $436.889 $53
@jglowsingerPost0.565 $2879.508 $74
@donkunuPost0.024 $20 $69
@kresnixPost0.537 $1773.573 $264
@michielPost0.234 $2148.696 $73
@cliffpowerPost0.753 $140222.095 $247
@antonellaPost0.001 $333.106 $49
@lpreapPost0.003 $253.507 $62
@doctorspencePost0.05 $32.001 $30
@godfleshPost0.149 $1537.022 $47
@galleraniPost1.116 $795.619 $67
@antonellaPost0.019 $1437.606 $59
@kaylinartPost1.253 $11111.706 $102
@elvenbardPost0.004 $461.999 $41
@crypto-moonPost2.302 $261.911 $39

If you want to join my curation trail, just check out this post for further informations
