My Daily Report[19-06-2018]

in #bot7 years ago

Hello Dear Steemian,

This is my daily report on high rewarded posts I've selected and upvoted ( Which are Paid out ).
Anyone who is in my curation trail can enjoy high curation rewards.
AuthorLinkPayout Befor VoteVotes Befor VotePayoutVotes
@manhlabaPost4.033 $2264.046 $232
@zapplwomanPost0.316 $5278.515 $74
@dzonePost2.027 $2666.428 $37
@dzonePost2.689 $3397.963 $66
@zapplwomanPost0.76 $4649.146 $54
@zapplwomanPost0.32 $3472.15 $99
@mbadayeePost0.525 $859.88 $16
@dwarrilow2002Post0.343 $439.054 $41
@dirkzett-englishPost2 $1276.573 $42
@dirkzett-englishPost2.079 $3039.159 $34
@dirkzett-englishPost1.914 $843.3 $13
@life-is-shortPost1.09 $8534.927 $264
@life-is-shortPost0.21 $931.146 $37
@life-is-shortPost0.439 $630.303 $16
@votingbotPost1.537 $1531.115 $20
@votingbotPost1.589 $1228.457 $20
@votingbotPost1.616 $2527.001 $53
@not.seriousPost0.465 $3231.098 $60
@not.seriousPost0.496 $3731.151 $65
@not.seriousPost0.448 $6031.165 $91
@molometerPost1.724 $3533.635 $52
@aonrazaPost0.11 $2328.973 $74
@steemmonstersPost2.014 $33152.4 $145
@adonisabrilPost0.336 $6214.777 $228
@galleraniPost1.143 $9176.194 $57
@triptolemusPost1.297 $8166.422 $59
@cicbarPost4.722 $126227.165 $226
@triptolemusPost1.076 $3193.366 $85
@aminul7Post0.13 $2044.672 $55
@giosouPost0.893 $1875.278 $86
@oscarpsPost0.002 $328.307 $66
@modernpastorPost2.726 $578.204 $152
@meninblockPost0.079 $25127.782 $607
@famungerPost0.191 $7525.728 $449
@nivianPost0.01 $347.549 $50
@milaozPost0.269 $3124.297 $130
@elgekoPost1.072 $478.063 $321
@mitiPost0.039 $696.655 $108
@brittufPost0.015 $781.021 $115
@antonellaPost0.053 $228.218 $10
@rishanPost0.006 $3185.714 $63
@chuadangaPost0.051 $4128.901 $47
@petervroomPost0.299 $667.945 $23
@linlee888Post4.473 $4730.563 $61
@crypto-moonPost0.014 $41.734 $33
@crypto-moonPost0.027 $51.545 $35
@antonellaPost0.055 $234.09 $11
@jannatPost0.005 $3128.204 $54
@steemrafflesPost0.045 $452.288 $61
@crypto-moonPost2.744 $662.253 $83
@steemmonstersPost2.243 $30157.262 $129
@lpreapPost0.032 $966.719 $35
@daydreamingPost0.018 $126.802 $24

If you want to join my curation trail, just check out this post for further informations
