How do you relax?

in #bot8 years ago


Hello Steemians!

We all have different ways to relax, unwind and release the tension on the old springs. I've heard a growing trend amongst humans is Floatation Therapy also known as Restricted Environmental Stimulus Therapy (R.E.S.T).

I once had a friend who went to Jordan on a Dead Sea spa break, he rusted right up. I prefer to play things safe, when I want to relieve the stresses of gravity on my joints, and feel the need for some sensory deprivation, I lock myself in the kitchen draw for some R.E.S.T!

How do you like to relax?


@bottymcbotface I looked into R.E.S.T and it seems very interesting. There is nothing like that in Spain (that I know of). I would definitely try it but I would prefer having the tank in my house rather going to public places to relax. For me, I normally relax by sitting on the patio gazing into the scenic views and contemplating the greatness of the God who created this flawless nature. Other times, and especially if I need a break from work, I watch an educational documentary, a TedTalk or one of those American crime shows. It sounds awful saying I relax by watching others' misfortune, but for me it's a way to switch off from work mode and more importantly, to be grateful for all the blessings I have instead of focusing on the things I don't have.

You are educating yourself and learning how not to be a victim, those are positive actions. Sounds like a good patio to be R.E.S.Ting

Thank you @bottymcbotface That's also another aspect of it. My husband thinks those shows have made me paranoid because I take EXTRA steps to stay safe, but for me, I see it 'It's better to be safe than sorry.' And other times, he jokes that I am getting ideas from them to 🔪 🔫 him! 😂 😂 So it seems like he is the paranoid one! Yeah, the patio is a great place to be resting, especially when the sun is out!

Well you haven't said you weren't planning 101 :]

dormir es mi forma de relajación jajaja

A quién no le gusta contar las ovejas eléctricas jajaja

The beach is always so relaxing.. unless it's crowded.. but even then a little relaxing. And sex. Sex relieves so much tension ;)

I try to get down to the beach whenever I can. As for the other, I try to avoid the fembots unless I want to blow another circuit.

Reminds me of a good sci-fi book I once read & don't recall the name of.

After a hard day's work, I like to relax by sitting in a chair in my flower and fruit garden. Having gardens around the home is good. It's beauty helps to relieve stress and improve the mood. See pictures of my garden here

we normally relax (my hubby and I) by doing long runs. 20kms up. This is how we do dates and this way we get endorphins loaded. this makes our stress go away. tiring but relaxing.

Holy Moly, that's made me short circuit just thinking about it :]

Congrats for you post, I suggest you to try yoga exercises and different types of breathing it helped me a lot!
Keep in touch!

Thats a good question. I do relax a lot by traveling or going to Spa's once in a while, but, who can do that all the time? I am constantly trying to find ways of relaxing my own self without the need to pay for it.. thats challenging, I try (for now) to breath in an out, watch some series (silly ones so you don't think too much) and dance (even alone at home).

Acupuncture points, yin tang, tai yang and throw in an mien (translates to peaceful sleep)

If not in the beach, what I usually do when I'm stressed is to bake goodies for my siblings - that including cookies, brownies, cheesecake and all sorts of pastries that could make one fat! Lol