Drill, Baby, Drill - The Boston Marathon

in #boston7 years ago

The Boston Bombing

“Boston bombing, for me, the truth teller was when the rabbis and the priests rushed to comfort the wounded and they were not allowed to get near any of the wounded. That, in intelligence, we call an indicator. And then you add to that the fact there were no, I mean no, wounded people taken to hospitals. And finally, you add to that the big to-do about the amputee. He turned out to be a hired actor for a company that specializes in putting amputees into battlefield simulations. False flag. Boston was a practice attempt to lock down an entire city.” – Robert Steele, former CIA agent.

The Boston Marathon bombing was not real; it was actually a staged event. Yes, this obviously sounds crazy, but let’s examine how and why it happened.

There were so many inconsistencies with the official story that when examined, clearly show that the story the media told the world was simply not true. The mainstream media sold this turd to the American people and they bought it without asking any probing questions or confirming the authenticity of the information. Go back and take a look at the “event” again, but this time pay close attention to a few different signs to watch for that you would easily miss.
Let’s begin by clarifying the official story of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Here are the facts that the media claims are true:

• An explosion at the finish line of the marathon killed three civilians
• 264 people were injured and treated in 27 local hospitals
• 14 people required amputations as a direct result of the blasts
• The perpetrators of this terrorist event were two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
• They made a bomb out of a pressure cooker and put it inside of a backpack
• They left the backpack near the finish line of the Boston Marathon
• The police and Feds launched a manhunt for the two brothers that lasted four days
• The murder of an MIT police officer sitting in his car was attributed to the brothers
• The police and Feds released a dark and grainy closed-circuit television footage of the shooting
• The two brothers carjacked a person in a Mercedes SUV who later escaped when they stopped at a gas station
• Both brothers confessed to the driver about pulling off the marathon bombing
• They confessed to planning to drive to New York City to set off another bomb in Time Square
• The carjacking victim left his cell phone in the car which enabled the police to track the location of the two brothers to Watertown
• A gun fight with police broke out in which the older brother was shot several times, tackled by the police, and then accidentally run over by his younger brother with the stolen SUV and dragged for 30 feet
• The younger brother ran away from the police and hid in a covered dry-docked boat
• He wrote a confession statement, at night, without any lights, in his own blood, in which he claims the bombing was retaliation for U.S. wars in Muslim countries
• Two police officers and an FBI agent visited a friend of the brothers in Orlando, Florida, Ibragim Todashev
• They questioned him for many hours in his apartment but forgot to take him to the police station so that the interrogation could be filmed
• During this undocumented interrogation, Todashev confessed to being involved in three murders with one of the bombers
• In the middle of his written confession, Todashev decided to attack the FBI agent by throwing a table at him
• Todashev then ran at the agent with a metal pole, not a table, and was shot three times
• Todashev staggered backward, regained his footing, and came at them again with a metal pole
• Todashev was subsequently shot four more times, including one shot to the back of the head
• The police changed their story from Todashev swinging a metal pole, to him swinging a sword
• The police changed their story from swinging a sword to swinging a broomstick
• The police changed their story from swinging a broomstick to swinging a knife
• The two officers left the room a short time before the killing
• The FBI agent, Aaron McFarlane, shot Todashev seven times
• Aaron McFarlane had previously been the subject of two brutality lawsuits
• Aaron McFarlane had previously been the subject of four internal investigations
• Aaron McFarlane had been accused of falsifying police reports, lying under oath, aggravated battery, making false arrests, violating the rights of suspects, assault with a weapon and false imprisonment, yet was never convicted of any charges.
• Aaron McFarlane “took the fifth” during a police corruption trial during his brief four-year career as an Oakland police officer

The official story of the Boston Bombing would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damn scary.
Nothing to see here people, move along.

Drills are a key part of state terror attacks because they allow the real perpetrators to have their people and supplies prepositioned in a way that doesn’t arouse suspicion. What that means is that if you are planning a terrorist event and halfway through your setup the police show up and ask what the hell you are doing with a car full of C-4, your response is that you are setting up for the drill that is scheduled to take place tomorrow. When they check to see if a drill simulating a car bomb is on the schedule for DHS, and it is, the story checks out.

Let’s start with the most obvious of all indications that the Boston Bombing was a staged event: the two Twitter messages that the Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) tweeted out before the “bombing”.

Tweet #1 at 12:53 pm: “BREAKING NEWS: Police will have controlled explosion on 600 block on Boylston Street”

Tweet #2 at 12:53 pm: “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”

If the two tweets from the Boston Globe don’t mean anything to you, go online and find the video of seconds before the “explosion” in which you can hear over the loudspeakers: “This is a drill. This is a drill.”

About three seconds later you hear an explosion, followed by a second one a couple of seconds later.

“At the start line this morning they had bomb spotters on the roofs of the buildings, and they had bomb sniffing dogs coming up and down at the start line, and Melanie [his wife] said they had bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line, but they kept making announcements saying, to the participants, do not worry this is just a training exercise. And we were told on a loud announcement that we shouldn’t be concerned, it was just a drill. So maybe it was just a drill, but I mean I was there at the Athlete’s Village and I did see a drill going on and did hear the announcements that it was just a drill.” – Ali Stevenson, University of Mobile, cross country coach.

This statement was given on live television to Local 15 in Boston just moments after the event.
Not only that, but according to DHS documents acquired by the Boston Globe, they were planning on conducting training exercises simulating a fake terrorist group called “Free America Citizens” that was planting backpacks full of explosives around Boston.

“The scenario had been carefully planned: A terrorist group prepared to hurt vast numbers of people around Boston would leave backpacks filled with explosives at Faneuil Hall, the Seaport District, and in other towns, spreading waves of panic and fear. Detectives would have to catch the culprits.

Months of painstaking planning had gone into the exercise, dubbed “Operation Urban Shield,” meant to train dozens of detectives in the Greater Boston area to work together to thwart a terrorist threat. The hypothetical terrorist group was even given a name: Free America Citizens, a home-grown cadre of militiamen whose logo would be a metal skull wearing an Uncle Sam hat and a furious expression, according to a copy of the plans obtained by the Boston Globe.

But two months before the training exercise was to take place, the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.” – Maria Cramer, Boston Globe, June 8, 2013.

The “terrorists” would plant fake devices, and then stay on the scene to monitor and record the bomb squad and detectives as they responded, but the insane twist was that all of the detectives would not know they were part of a drill. As far as they knew, they thought they were responding to an actual terrorist event. The goal of the training was for these detectives to figure out the motives of the “Free America Citizens” terrorist group, a non-existent group that they believed to be real.

As they investigated the case, a Boston police official said that the planned exercise has uncanny similarities to the April 15 attack and ensuing police investigation that led to the capture of the fake Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

“We can’t talk about what we’re doing for emergency preparedness. The people who participate in this don’t know what the scenario is.” – Police spokesperson discussing Urban Shield, the drill they were running in Boston that they intend to run again at a future date.

What a coincidence that the imaginary terrorist event that they were simulating actually happened in the same exact way, and the same exact place, at the same exact time as their drill of people leaving backpacks filled with explosives near the marathon.

The Department of Homeland Security isn’t denying that the training exercise manifested itself at the Boston Marathon.

“The real thing happened before we were able to execute.” a Boston police official told the Boston Globe in the report.

All of these “events” are not coincidences. These are training simulations that go live, but the problem is that they never remember to tell the participants or the citizens, after the fact, that it was all a training simulation. They always seem to forget that one very important part.
Of course, they aren’t forgetting anything. This is done on purpose.

People that watched the aftermath news coverage about the Boston Bombing event came to hear about the star of the show, the guy that got his legs blown off. His name is Jeff Bauman, and he heroically lived through this terrorist attack because of the quick thinking of the guy in the cowboy hat, Carols Arredondo. Jeff and his stumps were loaded onto a wheelchair and whisked away, and then 19 days later he dropped the ceremonial first puck at a Boston Bruins hockey game, except now his legs are missing above the knee, and then lastly he is wheeled out before a Boston Red Sox game and he doesn’t have any legs at all.

Poor guy, it just keeps getting worse for him. If the Boston Celtics call you Jeff, don’t go or else you’ll just be a head sitting on a pillow.

Or should we call you U.S. Army officer Lt. Nick Vogt, instead?

It turns out that there is no Jeff Bauman that had his legs blown off at the Boston Bombing, but there is a guy named Nick Vogt, a dead-ringer for “Jeff Bauman”, that had his legs blown off in Kandahar Afghanistan in November of 2011 when he was with the 1st Stryker Brigade 25th Infantry Division. Vogt was a crisis actor that was hired for events to simulate a person that had their legs blown off, like if a bomb went off while you were watching a marathon somewhere.

“Jeff Bauman, a victim who lost both legs, was adjacent to the location of one of the bombs; upon recovering consciousness, he asked for pen and paper and wrote a note to the FBI, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me’. Bauman was later able to provide detailed descriptions to the authorities of a suspect who was seen placing a backpack beside him at the bombing scene two and a half minutes before it exploded, enabling the photo to be identified and circulated quickly.” – Wikipedia.

So the fake crisis actor told the FBI that the bomber looked him in the eyes before leaving his backpack beside him? Oh ok, that explains everything. Investigation closed.

Good thing that the FBI was able to quickly circulate a photo of the bombers, Tamerlan & Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, with their backpacks, but really, they had no choice but to try and get out in front of this story.

“Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.” – Craft International’s motto. Isn’t that nice? A bit surprising that their line of holiday cards didn’t take off as they projected.

You see, once the FBI asked for the public’s help with identifying the alleged bombers wearing backpacks, the leads and photos came pouring in. So why were the leads pouring in, you ask?

There were over a dozen Craft International plain clothes private mercenaries near the finish line and on the roofs of adjacent buildings at the Boston Marathon, wearing tan cargo pants, tan boots, black jackets, black hats with the Punisher logo…and black backpacks. Do you want photos of people near the bombing wearing backpacks? Here you go, the general public has lots of them, and they even have pictures of some Craft guy wearing a backpack before the “bombing”, and the same guy running away from the scene without his backpack. Funny, that never made the nightly news, did it? They didn’t show up at that guy’s house and unload 1,000 rounds of ammunition into his boat parked in his driveway, did they?

It took a while, but the Department of Homeland Security has now officially acknowledged the “frighteningly similar” scenarios between an Operation Urban Shield drill they planned for Boston and the actual Marathon bombing event in a Boston Globe article.

Bloody Hell

The photos of the bomb scene in Boston are missing one important item: blood. All of the photos of heroic Carlos pushing Jeff Bauman in a wheelchair only minutes after his legs were blown off, have an unexplainable lack of blood trailing behind the wheelchair, not to mention that you would absolutely never put a person in a wheelchair after something like that, with his fake bone exposed (a prosthetic that actually fell off once during the event and had to be reattached). How long does it take a person to bleed to death from two severed femoral arteries without tourniquets applied correctly, as our hero Carlos botched in the photos of them untied and without a stick to crank them tight? Two minutes? Five minutes?

They said it took seven minutes before he was treated.

If you are able to find the photos of Jeff Bauman lying on the ground before he was heroically rescued by an actor, you will see what they want you to believe is blood, but it looks like someone dumped a bucket of red paint next to him instead, and yes, fresh blood does look different than what we are led to believe in the movies.

Why wouldn’t he wait for a paramedic to treat him instead of an actor wearing a cowboy hat? The answer is that there weren’t any paramedics there because it was not a real event, but there were lots of actors. By the way, Carlos Arredondo is a washed up actor, but you probably figured that out by now.

The Boston Bombing was just a drill. Nobody died and nobody lost their legs, but we certainly hope that someone lost their job as a crisis producer because it looks like they brought in the J.V. team to run this drill. It was sloppy.

Charlie Robinson, author, The Octopus of Global Control.
This is an excerpt from the book The Octopus of Global Control, now available on Amazon.