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RE: Steemit feels more like a job...

in #bored7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is how you make it to be.
You only judge the result according to what your brain is expecting. If you are following some imaginary goal of getting rich on Steemit, you will fail.
You need to set real targets and then step away from it, since it can really keep you glued to your chair.

Set a target of 50$ monthly or set targets per article. Or simply write when you have subjects. I have only written 2 articles out of obligation and were lower quality than the rest. Or just comment on others and only write when you have time.
But don't start with the goal of making as much as possible! :)


I do have plenty of subjects to write about and never thought about getting rich from Steemit. It's just that too many people are trying too hard and it gets me bored :P. I guess I will just focus on commenting for a while :).
With all this content around, I just don't feel like pouring on, knowing that not many people will read it.

Don't care about monetary reward really. I want people to actually read what I write, if that make sense.

De altfel, mă gândesc serios sa revin la articole în limba română. Dar mai stau puțin în pauză întâi :D!

Mulțam fain pentru comentariu, pentru mine contează mai mult decât voturile. Îmi plac și voturile :P.