My book ( A Girls Life ) Chapter 4steemCreated with Sketch.

in #books8 years ago (edited)


Chapter 4

I can feel his breath on my lips, i pout out my lips for the kiss but he moves away with a giggle, Alice we can't kiss you asked for a date first and that is what you will get if the date goes well you might just get that kiss said Brand while smiling, oh i see ok then we shell have our date first Alice said while blushing in shyness, i really have to get going now but i will see you tomorrow night said Brand while kissing me on the cheek, oh ok well thank you for everything you did tonight you made this night so much better said Alice, night Miss rose said Brand, rose is my surname not may people know about it i wonder how he knows?
Annie can you give me a lift home please? asked Alice, Alice your not going any where! i need you here! you will sleep over ok! said Annie, ok fine! what do you need help with? asked Alice, theres a very good looking guy over there his name Eric can you go over to him and keep him company? asked Annie, i thought i told you to stop trying to set me up with some one! said Alice, oh no hun thats not what this is, his mine you see but im way to busy right now to keep him busy, oh please Alice! asked Annie, ok fine! said Alice while walking away, hey im Alice Annie's friend she asked me to come over here and keep you company said Alice to Eric, oh hi there Alice im Eric nice to finally meet you Annie has told me so much about you said Eric, oh she has then again it is Annie! nice to meet you to, so are you in her class? asked Alice, no no no im not in high school anymore im twenty two said Eric, oh wow you know she's only seventeen right? said Alice, yeah i know but she's cute though right? said Eric, do people know you to are dating? asked Alice, who Annie and i? oh no i have't had that yet said Eric while laughing, had that? so you two are not together then? weird she told me you were her's said Alice all shocked, come on this is Annie we are talking about! she always has a way of getting what she wants and right now she got a really hot girl to come over here and talk to me said Eric while grinning, oh uh im with some one so yeah sorry but thank you for the complement said Alice, oh i see well then have a good night im going to go talk to Annie said Eric, ok bye said Alice, that was so weird why would Annie have a twenty two year old guy here and have me talk to him? Eric just gave Annie some thing looked like a pill or some thing? now they going into the green house what is happening right now? Annie where are you going? asked Alice, oh Alice go have some fun geez and stop worrying all the time im fine! said Annie while pulling Eric away, oh man i hope she is going to be ok.
Its been two hours an i have not seen Annie or Eric, have you seen Annie? asked Alice to Josh, yeah i think she's still in the green house said Josh, ok thanks! while walking over to the green house i noticed Annie's shoe laying out side, knock knock Annie are you in here? asked Alice while looking through the window, i don't see anything i wonder where she is? Annie! Annie! Eric! where is Annie? asked Alice, she's ok she's laying down had to much to drink said Eric, is she in here? asked Alice while pushing the door open, Eric yeah but like i said she's laying down come back later and check on her ok said Eric, NO! open this door right now! i need to check on her now! screamed Alice while pushing Eric out of the way, next minute Eric had his arms around my waist, Eric let go of me! screamed Alice, i told you she is fine now leave! said Eric, i told you i need to check on her now let me go said Alice while punching Eric in the face, Annie are you ok? Annie wake up! Annie wake up! what Alice? im trying to sleep! what is your problem? said Annie while moaning, are you ok? asked Alice, YES now can you go please said Annie, you don't look ok Annie what happened? asked Alice, nothing ok i just had to much to drink! said Annie.

What happened ? Did anything happen? what do you think let me know in the comments.
I hope u are all still liking the story
much love xx


this is uite amazing keep it up

I mean character falling in love in think

hahaha thats good im glad