Discovering Chip Kidd

in #books6 years ago (edited)

This post was co-published at

I am not someone who regularly watches TED talks.

Which is odd, because I watch a lot of other things on YouTube. I guess there's something about a single speaker walking around on a stage without a podium that makes me think "IT'S ONE OF THOSE HIPSTER SELF-HELP GURUS! RUN! RUN, YOU IDIOTS!"

"You've got to reparadigm the ideation of your self-worthment algorithm to embiggen your gross outcome optimizering potentiality matrix."

But the few TED talks I have stomached have, thankfully, not been like that (though I hear there are a few that fit the bill). And recently, I discovered one that I enjoyed immensely. I was startled and overjoyed by the quality of the presentation, but particularly I was enamored with the subject of the presentation, which was book design.

Who is Chip Kidd?

Book design is not really in the same discipline as writing a book or even illustrating a book. A book designer isn't necessarily an illustrator (though he may work with many illustrators). Rather, what a book designer does is plan out a physical form for a published book to take. The book designer is interested in creating an attractive object for the customer to buy.

I had never heard of Chip Kidd before.

I should have, but I hadn't.

He is the designer responsible for some of the most famous book covers you've ever heard of. And he is particularly remarkable not only because he understands good book design but because he can also teach it. This became apparent to me as I watched his lectures, some of which are published by TED, and some of which aren't.

Perhaps the biggest reason he captured my attention is that I am always looking for practical answers to even the most esoteric subjects. Anyone who can explain a complicated art form in a practical manner has an advantage over me. It's the easiest way to influence my opinion.

And I am so taken with Mr. Kidd's perspective on book design (and without any particularly creative idea for my typical monday blog post) that I decided to simply provide links here to his videos, as they are each worth investigating on your own, and I cannot possibly paraphrase anything he says in a better, more approachable way. Some of them are fairly long, but they are all worth watching.

So, for your viewing edutainment, here are the three Chip Kidd videos that I found to be most useful:

TED talk: The Hilarious Art of Book Design

This video was my introduction to Mr. Kidd, and was enough to give me a favorable impression of him.

It also reveals some of the more famous books he has designed over the years. It gives a good, if incomplete, sense of his career and history.

TED Talk: The Art of First Impressions -- in Design and Life

This one is perhaps less entertaining than the previous video, but it's also informative in ways that the first one isn't. I was blown away by how much creative choice is poured into designing a book cover.

MacEwan University Presentation: Chip Kidd Explains his Process

Perhaps the most entertaining video of them all, though it only concerns a single book.

My Takeaway

After watching these videos, it's hard for me to consider what I am currently trying to do, which, in case you are new to the blog, is get a novel published.

Seeing Mr. Kidd's presentations has impressed upon me the need for a competent book designer. I will be lucky if I get a designer with even a tenth of Mr. Kidd's expertise, chutzpah, and discernment. I ask myself if that's too much to hope for.

I'm lucky to have reached a point in my life where I've mellowed with age, because otherwise this would be the most stressful period in my entire existence. Knowing that so much depends not only on my own competence and aesthetic, but the competence and aesthetic of the people I choose to work with is daunting, even if it's also exciting.

More than anything, I just want to enter that world, be part of the scene, and put good stuff on the market. That I have gained a greater appreciation for the process---everything that happens in the background---from these presentations has made me value them, and I believe you may also find value in them.


Wow I think their thoughts are extremely correct! Personally I also like to read books which has nice covers! I feel cover is explaining the content of the book! Yeah I know I am not correct in every time! But I think in most cases we are searching books based on good and attractive cover images!


@talanhorne i want to see more organic upvotes for you i think your work deserve it. Regards

The book designer is interested in creating an attractive object for the customer to buy.

Honestly, I have never thought about it this way. But that’s true. Design of the book is perhaps one of the most important things when it comes to publishing new books. Many people judge books or choose books based on its cover. I didn’t know that you are looking for your book publisher first and then you work on book design. There are new things I learn. Even though I’m not a writer, I find it very interesting. With all due respect I watched short part of your first video and I find mistr Kidd very funny, but at the same time very smart.

Another smart ideas by @talanhorne sir...
It was fun to see some of the inspiration behind Kidd's designs, especially for his book covers, but I think the book totally fails at it's perceived purpose: to illustrate the importance of judgement and first impressions. It spends about 25 pages talking about that subject and the remaining 100 or so delving into his design process. His book covers are undeniably brilliant, don't get me wrong, and it's worth checking out just to get some background info on his thought process in creating them. I just think it's strange that this book of all books would pull a bait and switch like that.

Also, considering how many winks and nudges there are at the reader in this, Chip Kidd plays it completely straight when he talks about what kind of Chips he ate when he was a Kid. I found that odd...

Such a wonderful and interesting article by @talanhorne sir...
Actualy I think...Far too short to actually do anything. Hopelessly self-indulgent for the problematic author. Also, rather misleading -- I'm led to think I'm getting a book of musings on the design aesthetics of the everyday items of our lives, but the bulk of the book is just the author telling me how he came up with ideas for the book covers he designs. I really couldn't care less about the forgettable designs of books I've never heard of.

What do the stories look like? He said “every book needs a face” Why? To give a first impression!

Yes, first visual impression is very important as Chip Kidd said, but I have never looked at the cover or design of the book with that much of an importance as writing itself. I depend on recommendations, or if I know the author, I know I would be interested in reading this specific book. I know there are people looking at the book design first, perhaps I do it as well if I do not know the author. That’s why these book designers are in demand. I wonder how your book cover or design looks like. Anyway, what he was saying about an apple or trying tests with different designs was very interesting, very interesting to watch. It all makes sense. I have to admit, this guy is not only book designer, he is very good entertainer as well. These people definitely know what they are talking about.

It was interesting to see, Mr. Kidd is a big man in his business, he knows a lot. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the valuable article and good writing experience.
Thanks @talanhorne
have a great day

if an author wants to impress his readers that it is better than a good cover .. at that moment it is where Mr. TED acts doing the miracle of a beautiful and striking cover.

Yes, after watching the video, I also liked Mr. Kidd, he has been with him since the first minute. Thank you for the information.