My Book is Free Kindle Today - Stress and Adaptation [Amazon Promo]

in #books7 years ago


There is another Kindle free promo running for one of my books today (February 16, 2018). The promo should be available on all Amazon regional websites for this timeframe.

The central theme of this book is homeostasis and the dynamic nature of it. But to be more specific, I'm discussing stressors and pertubations to homeostasis and how they might improve the adaptive capacity of organisms.

Ok, if you don't know what I'm talking about, think of the quote "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.". That idea is basically behind the concepts discussed in the book.

The concept of stress and adaptation in human physiology is approached for the following areas:

  • temperature stress (cold thermogenesis and heat stress).
  • dietary stress (meal frequency, food restriction, etc)
  • exercise stress
  • radiation and toxicology
  • cognitive stress
  • and more.

Aside of the research studies and anecdotes that I go through, I also discuss about some of my personal experiments such as those of cold exposure, intermittent fasting, and strength training. One particularly interesting topic that I go through in the last chapter is anti-fragility - as I've expanded it from Nassim Taleb's book Anti-Fragile.

So, if this book appeals to you, go ahead and get it by following the link below. If you do that, I would appreciate leaving a short honest review of it on its official page, because that helps me a lot as author.

My Book is Free Kindle Today - Stress and Adaptation [Amazon Promo]

To stay in touch with me, follow @cristi

Cristi Vlad Self-Experimenter and Author


You always surprise us with interesting books, congrats for your work. I can not wait to read it.

My favorite subject is dietary stress (meal frequency, food restriction, etc).

Have a great weekend, Cristi!

Have a great one you as well!

Interesting topic
Stress is really consuming humans

I find this book important but I can not get it unfortunately @cristi

Where are you trying to get it from?

i don't have an account in amazon brother

Already taken !

Have a great read! Astept feedback!

Foarte interesant :) un post foarte bun

I missed this one... :(

In your book you approached very interesting topics and I agree with you:

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Thank you.