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RE: Reading, er... Listening

in #books8 years ago

Damn, I hope that ash doesn't cause you any inhalation issues. Also I'm the complete opposite of you! I used to read a ton in my teens. College killed recreational reading. I TRIED audio books but the monotonous voice is very difficult for me. But i was doing ones on finance. Maybe a fictional book would be a better idea


Oh, I would do only like novel books. I don't think I could do a text book! That would be terrible if it were a monotonous voice! All of the readers I've heard, especially on the two books I recommended, are very good! And if they're not good, I just don't listen to the book! Haha. Usually the reader fits the book very well! They animate their voices, usually! The worst books I've tried to listen to have been autobiographies and stuff, and they just disappointed me. Even if I really liked the person who wrote it. Haha. If you try Overdrive, it's a no-lose situation! :D

Sweet. I'll look into it. I have a one hour commute each way to work. A good fictional novel would probably help

Oh definitely! Check out the two I recommended! I really like them both!!

OH! there is one audio book I LOVED that you might get a kick out of called Blue Latitiudes.... all about a fellow who retraces the Epic journey of Captain Cook around the world. really interesting story and nicely narrated. Just a thought!

Thanks! I'll see if it's available!