驱动人生温度监测1.0.21.48下载 - 系统之家
Sveiki, es nesen savācu dažas tīmekļa lapas, kas ir vairāk vai mazāk noderīgas manam pašreizējam projektam, tāpēc es tās apkopošu un kopīgošu tīmeklī:
Change windows wallpaper from command line
powershell -Command "RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters"
Change windows wallpaper from command line
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d E:\photos\image1.bmp /f RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
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求下载软件,iOS版本的,支持BT种子的, - iPad 游戏软件分享区 - 威锋论坛 - 威锋网
no, the default "command prompt" (aka terminal aka cmd.exe) is not capable of doing what you want. why aren't you using 'gvim'?
The System does not support full screen mode for cmd - Microsoft Community
Vista+ don't support a full-screen command prompt, as the message indicates. You can manipulate the command window's layout to specify a width and height to be as large as you wish, but it's not quite the same...
猎魂觉醒 MUMU模拟器怎么用原生手柄 - 问答专区 - 网易MuMu论坛
●●键盘党福音,街霸4不用手柄,键盘双人游戏方法(完美解决)●● - 超级街霸4:街机版 - 游民星空论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
button2=LK, button3=MK, button4=LP, button5=MP, button6=LP+MP+HP, button7=HP, button9=start, Z AXIS-=HK, Z AXIS+=LK+MK+HK
USBBT Joystick Center 8 v8.10.apk
软件销售心得-送给自己卖软件的程序员 - laotou99的专栏 - CSDN博客
请教有没有扩展能实现左右两个窗口同步工作 - Emacs-general - Emacs China
李连杰、成龙等明星为何代言节种游戏,就差周星驰了? - 推酷
目前游戏代言有一种新套路: 游戏公司在没有签合同的情况下,擅自用这些艺人的照片贴在网上,给自己的游戏做代言,如果市场反应不佳,立即撤掉。如果市场反应不错,就立即联系明星授权,让其二选一,要么给钱让其代言,要不就打官司。而明星方面往往因为打官司过于耗费而选择前者息事宁人。
GitHub - alvinfrancis/spark: Port of cl-spark to emacs lisp
This is a straightforward port of cl-spark to emacs lisp.
netsh wlan show interfaces
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{558C7457-9795-4586-9C81-F0D2C7D073F6} /v "TcpAckFrequency" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces