The Truth about the English Language (banned books / publishing)

in #book9 years ago (edited)

The Truth about English

Good Morning, Steemers!

My name is Cipriano. I am a formally trained linguist. Over the past several years, I have acquired many “special” books through various sources; however, most of these books cannot be found on the internet due to several reasons. The primary reason that none of these books are available is due to censorship by several authorities, both within the literary and political world.

Over the course of this winding path of censorship, I began my quest to determine and ask myself why were these books censored (banned)? In fact, one of the books in my collection can be found on alibris, where I have seen sellers asking roughly $1200 PER copy! I feel like this is a little bit insane. In today’s world, how can one expect our society to progress if information, knowledge and the truth are covered by the government, mainstream media, literary groups, religious groups, and much more? For this specific book, the author was found dead in 1988, the publishing company went under (bankruptcy/no longer printing). I can attest that this book was banned due to the controversial nature within the text. There were only 5,000 copies ever printed, and the content of this book is precisely why it was deemed “too controversial” for the “masses” (general public).

I have always believed that some of the greatest minds of the current and previous generation go unnoticed - or perhaps they are simply shut down by authorities. I believe that knowledge is power, and what you can learn from a book can essentially change your life. The truth must prevail. Therefore, I have compiled a list of some truths about the English language. I am currently trying to republish this book (since it is categorized as an “orphan book”), or somehow attain the copyright, in order to permit the general population to read it.

I have written some interesting concepts from one book, which details the corruption within the English language, and how this plays a role in our current state of global affairs. Sounds funky, right? Take a look below and decide for yourself. See if the list (1-4) is something you previously have heard, or if this is entirely new information.

Here are 4 of the excerpts that I have compiled together in the manuscript I am working on to republish some of the books that we, as a society, have lost due to censorship.

  1. Are you aware that the words NASA and CHERNOBYL are both prophetic words from the Bible? NASA is a Hebrew word (נאס"א), which literally means “to lift up” and “to travel forth”.

  2. The name CHERNOBYL in Ukrainian means “wormwood” in English, and in the Bible “Wormwood” is the name of the star that poisons the waters of the earth.

“And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great star from the heaven, burning as it were a lamp [such as a power plant], and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters. And the name of the star was Wormwood [Chernobyl]: and the third part of the waters became wormwood. Many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter” (Rev. 8:10-11).

Now, this might just be an eerie coincidence, right? Maybe? Somehow? Let’s examine this one a bit further. CHERNO in Russian means “black” in English. BYL in Russian is “a true story of the past”. Coincidence or could this event have been something preplanned? I would assume the latter.

  1. ELECTION YEAR: In politics, “the Right” oppose “the Left”. In the USA, when you hear someone speak regarding the political chaos currently devouring the country, “the right” is always associated with republican ideology, while “the left” is the democrat ideology. In the demographics of voters, it has been noted that “the right” is politically owned by “the white man”.

“White” comes from the Germanic wiz through the Sanskrit svetas, which also developed into the Slavonic svetu, meaning “light”. So, “the right” is owned by “the white” who are “light”. There are some extremely important lingusitic facts that I have left out of this part, specifically concerning the usage of the letter R versus the usage of the letter L in English - think, HEAL and HEAR. FEEL and FEAR. ANGER and ANGEL, or FAIR and FAIL.

  1. In German, Waffe means “weapon”. And waffel means “a wafer of bread”.
    In Russian, muka means “torment”, yet it also means “meal”.
    In Hebrew, locham means “war”, while lechem means “bread”.

According to biblical study, Jesus was born in BETH-LEHEM - a house of bread. Where was he born in the story of the Bible? In a manger. Manger - Latin word for the verb “to eat”.

I hope everyone has a great day, and I look forward to your thoughts. Should knowledge be free for everyone? Or only a select few? If there are truths within the most commonly used language on Earth at this moment (English), do we have a right to know if these words stem from prophecy, the elite, and other groups? And the purposes behind this?


Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 6.4 and reading ease of 79%. This puts the writing level on par with Stephen King and Dan Brown.

Good to have a linguist in here, would be beneficial to all.
Attaching, 2 or 3 pictures between your paragraphs would have more impact on steemit, cheers

Ah, okay. I apologize about this. I didn't know that I could add in photos.
