My review of Cents to Retirements by Benjamin Davis

Benjamin Davis’ Book Cents to retirements is a short crisp book that talks about his strategies into being financially independent with a time constraint.

Benjamin describes his strategy into being financially independent by the age of 33 due to medical reasons.

The book contains neatly articulated strategy on how and why he’s decided to invest in his target country, Portugal.

Different methodologies on how to select a target market, which asset to acquire and how he intends on doing it is all well elucidated within the book, Cents to Retirement.

The book is an eye opener into what goes through a deep value investor’s head when they invest in different sectors. More importantly, what and why they intend on making a part of their investment portfolio.

I’d recommend this book to anyone that is looking to invest into real estate and be financially independent within a limited time frame.

Short, crisp and precise insight into the Investment mindset.
It is truly a worthwhile read.

My first interaction with Benjamin was when I came across his Writings on Quora.

I’m Prahalad Belavadi and I write on tech, blockchain and what I learn.
Much of what I do can be found on

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