The training program for a set of muscle mass.

The most important thing in bodybuilding is muscle mass. Yes, yes, muscle mass, rather than relief. The relief-this is a minor point in giving the body a beautiful form. Initially it should be a good weight to it was a relief.
The training program for a set of muscle mass is very simple and does not require a high fitness sport man. One need only general fitness. Bodybuilding as psychology-in its essence is very simple, though it did not immediately noticeable, but if you deal with all its subtleties, everything becomes transparent enough. Of course, all these subtleties in this article we will not discuss, but how to gain muscle mass and what training program for this use, consider the following.
The theory of muscle recruitment
So, as mentioned in previous articles on similar topics, in order to gain weight, to be used mostly basic exercises. They are excellent for this purpose. However, the mindless execution of these exercises, you are unlikely to lead to a large amount of muscle. As noted by Joe Weider-renowned trainer and founder of the International Federation of Bodybuilding, muscles react to stress in different ways, depending on the weight of the weights and the number of reps. Thus, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, it is necessary to proceed primarily from these rules.
The training program for a set of muscle mass involves exercises with weights that you can lift 6-9 times. This approach to training will lead to an increase in muscle strength and make the maximum emphasis on the growth of the mass they are even.
Although also a good option for a set of masses will perform 8-12 reps, but it is for someone like, so we must try and repeat 6-9 and 8-12 to determine what your muscles respond better.
If you perform fewer repetitions, the focus will be, to a greater extent, an increase in power rates, rather than the volume of muscles, if the number of repetitions will be more than 12, the focus will move with muscle growth on the development of muscle endurance. Therefore, during the training on the weight, it is important to be in the range of 6-9 times (8-12), no more and no less.
Exercises should be performed to failure, that is, if you, for example, perform a 9th repetition of any exercise, and 10th already can not perform, then it will be the phenomenon of refusal. If the muscles to failure not to bring, the mass recruitment process will be much less effective, and, for some, are not genetically adapted to the sport of people, and not to be.
Number of approaches in this training program will vary depending on the readiness of the athlete. If you are a beginner and your "experience" of regular exercise not more than 2 months, it should be carried out not more than 1-2 approaches on separate muscle groups. If you are no longer a novice, the optimal number of approaches will be 2-4.
I would also like to note that you have to work mainly in the "negative" phase, that is to spend time dropping a projectile larger than its rise. For example, if you do lifting barbell biceps, then the motion of the projectile up should take no more than 1 second, and his descent should last for at least 3 seconds. This is due to the fact that the muscle in the "negative" phase, and in other words lowering phase gets greater number of microcracks that affect its growth.
Proceed to practice
So now let's go directly to the program itself workouts. But first, a brief digression. If you do not want your muscles are miserable, you do not need to feel sorry for himself in training! Forget the easy fitness training program for a set of muscle mass requires a maximum effort and energy. To muscles grow, they need to give a serious occasion, a good push, the maximum stress!
Exercises will assemble as follows: two muscle groups each workout. Rest between workouts should be 48-72 hours, depending on the rate of muscle recovery, someone this process is faster, and someone slower. Food - mostly protein, preferably half an hour before training and within half an hour after the drink a protein shake.
In this example, we will start our training from Monday. At the beginning of each training session the first ten minutes of aerobic workout to allot, to warm up our body. At the end of training as do 10-minute workout.