Boating Safety.....Don't Be Like Troy

in #boating6 years ago (edited)

Now that summer has arrived, after a long, long winter for most parts of the U.S.
people yearning to enjoy the warm weather will be boating on their favorite lakes and streams.

It is common knowledge that each state has rules and regulations regarding Safety while recreating.

Boating is no different.

Some states now require a Personal Floatations Device (PFD) be worn while casually floating or lounging on a personal blow up raft or tube.

Keeping all that in mind, recently YouTube celebrity Troy Reid, aka @thediyworld here on Steemit,
was filming an episode of boating for his mail-order-bride's Off Grid Homesteading With Melanie YT channel.
(spoiler alert side note: they are NOT off grid, and they do NOT have a homestead)

Reid is shown in his "new" aluminum row boat, powered by a "viewer donated" electric trolling motor,
admiring a new battery, next to his Non Alcohol beer.....

minus personal flotation devices


Notice that a viewer left a comment in the screenshot of the video that Reid has yet to answer.

This is not the first time Reid has failed to use or supply mandatory personal flotation devices in a boat.


Here Reid is on a fishing trip with his old pal Trucker Buck and his son is not wearing a PFD.
Notice the comment attached to the screenshot.

It should be known that it is legal in most states that an adult does not need to Wear a PFD, but one needs to be accessible and at least one needs to be a "throwable" PFD on board the vessel.
Please note this is not a "how-to" blog, so please check with your local authorities for your requirements.

Now the next few screenshot examples from the Do It Yourself World YouTube channel are more concerning,
including the response from Reid.

(The screenshots were intentioanlly saved in its entirety due to his past accusations that good people exposing his deficiencies are "editing" proof directly from his YouTube channels and multiple Steemit accounts.)

Troy's wife Melanie was pregnant last year.


She is shown in his sailboat hull fishing without any PFD's on board.




This next screenshot shows Reid's response......"Private lake, shallow enough to walk across" !!!


Notice the comment section of concerned viewers in the next screenshots.



I will admit it is difficult to see if the two "pretend YT off grid homesteaders" are sitting on a PFD,
however Reid's response clearly shows his indifference to the law and person safety, including his unborn child.

He definitely did not fool his viewers.

Please don't be like Troy.

Be safe on the water!

Enjoy your summer!


So you apparently don't like this Troy-guy, and that's fair enough. I have no idea who he is, and I'm not going to check up his video stream.

Yes, life wests are smart to use, and in some jurisdictions it's even mandatory by law; it just got mandatory in my jurisdiction.

One can discuss the usefulness of life wests one can recommend usage of it, one can discuss weather life west laws are justified or not (personally I believe not), but this ... this is nothing but a smear post, I think it's quite inappropriate.

Reid lobbied the Steemit Whales late last year with false information and knocked mine and several others SP down to where I will never be rated as high as your 60 SP.

You @tobixen called my blog a "smear campaign",
where as I call it shedding light on his "misrepresentations" where he placed his wife and unborn child in jeopardy.

I offered a brief history of facts and the law.

You offered your Opinion and took money from me.

Who was inappropriate ?

shedding light on his "misrepresentations" where he placed his wife and unborn child in jeopardy.

There were more focus on the latter than the former.

For one thing, this is the kind of Think of the Children-kind of argument, a logical fallacy.

For the second thing, "putting lifes in jeopardy" ... there is no such thing as absolute safety. Crossing the street is dangerous. Biking is dangerous. Swimming is dangerous. Even breathing is dangerous.

It's beyond any doubt much safer to be in the traffic wearing a helmet. As a pedestrian, you may be smacked down by a car anytime - wearing a helmet reduces the risk of death and permanent injury in such a case. In the winter time, with the pavement covered by slippery ice and the shock-absorbing sand on the playgrounds being harder than concrete, it's a given that one should wear a helmet. Even in the summer time there is the ever-present risk of slipping on a banana peeling. As a passenger or a driver in a car, seat belts helps a lot - but there is still a risk of head injuries in an accident, hence one should always wear a helmet while being in a moving vehicle. The bottom line is, never leave your home without a helmet on your head. The cost of a helmet is not that high, and it doesn't take much time to put on a helmet - consider that you'll be very happy you chose to wear one the day you get involved in an accident!

So following this line of thought, and following the style of the post above, I could say ...

I see you posted some family photos on Facebook last Thursday ... how can you even call it "family photos", keep in mind that ever since you got divorced you're not a real family anymore! But worst of all, YOUR CHILDREN WHERE NOT WEARING HELMETS! What are you thinking of, putting your childrens life in jeopardy like that! Shame on you!

Think of the children

"Think of the children" (also "What about the children?") is a cliché that evolved into a rhetorical tactic. Literally it refers to children's rights (as in discussions of child labor). In debate, however, as a plea for pity, used as an appeal to emotion, it is a logical fallacy.
Art, Argument, and Advocacy (2002) argued that the appeal substitutes emotion for reason in debate.


Lecture someone else please.

Thank you.

There's always the pop-up mouse house, or one of the fap shacks.

There's always the pop-up mouse house, or one of the fap shacks.

Thank you very much for these important reminders! Always safety first!

Thank you for taking the time to compile all of this! This Reid fellow is selfish and arrogant and lives for thumbing his nose at society, even if it means putting himself, his wife or his daughter in danger!!

Yes @fastcat351c and I didn't even mention the fact that Reid Fails (refuses) to display the motor boat registration on the yellow sailboat hull when he uses the electric motor.

His YouTube channels should be categorized as How NOT To Do It.