6 Nars Orgasm Blush Dupes

in #blush7 years ago

Nars Orgasm Blush is a timeless makeup product.

Here is the beautiful shiny blush: Nars Orgasm Blush!
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Beautiful Peachy Pink With Golden Shimmer.

This is the trail results by a narsissist.

It delivers a very natural and healthy blush on your face. Well, this is really a classic blusher. However, it is quite expensive, $30.
Although it is beautiful, the price makes me a little bit hesitating... $30 for a blusher? Are you a robber? 30 dollar for this tiny little thing? Come on, I just lost my work...

Ok, I find some great dupes for you. Here are 6 Nars Orgasm dupes I find.

Dupe 1. ELF studio blush #twinkle pink
I can't really tell the difference...

Dupe 2. Wet n Wild #pearle scent pink

Dupe 3. Milani Baked Blus #dolce pink
To be continue.
I think these three blush fore-mentioned are all practical. They are cheaper than Nars's blush but the effect is same. And there are other 3 blushes can be found in it.