in #blogs3 days ago


"AND THE DEVIL SAID TO HIM, “IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD, command this stone to become bread.”
Luke 4:3 (NKJV)

Comment: A believer in Christ Jesus would not need to prove his sonship to the devil, when he demanded that. The devil asked Jesus Christ to command stones to become bread in order to prove His Sonship. Jesus would not need to prove that He is the Son of God, because He is. Likewise, a believer would not need to prove his or her relationship with God, If such has believed in their hearts and confessed with their mouths that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9,10). The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit that we are of God that we are sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:16).
The Holy Spirit on the inside of the believers testifies to their sonship (Romans 8:9).

The devil would always want to refute what you are told by God. Adam and Eve were made in God's image, there would be no need to want to be like God—they were like Him by creation (Genesis 1:26,27). There would be no need of eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil before they would be like God; they were already like Him (Genesis 1:27).
The devil being a liar, a father of lie and a counterfeiter, he would want you to doubt what God has said about you—your life or whatever you are assigned to do (John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:14).

What has God told you about your life, ministry or assignment, that is, your purpose on the planet earth?
If you are sure of it, that is, you have known it; hold on to it and do not let it slip from your hands.
One major area where a believer would have a problem is when he or she does not know or understand the plan of God for his or her life.
Someone's life can be messed up by the devil, the enemy of the believers, If he or she does not know or understand God's plan or purpose for their life.
Another thing like it is, when you know the plan but you do pursue it. When you know the Will or plan of God but you refused to pursue it, you would see the other side of God and your disobedience may give the devil an access into your life.

Thus, what you know concerning your life or what God told you about your life; whom God says you are, what He has said about your assignment, ministry, or your purpose of being on earth; do not compromise it or jettison it.
The devil would want you to believe that the plan or vision cannot be fulfilled or materialised; or want to deceive that it is too difficult and such a plan cannot be fulfilled or realized. When you listened to the voice of the adversary the devil, backed out from the God-given plan or vision, thinking it cannot be achieved; it means you have sided the adversary and let God down. You had not risen to the grace of God deposited in you. And you have given occasion to God's enemy; the devil and his cohort, to have a field day in the lives of the people you are meant or assigned to affect positively.

What would make a believer's journey on earth difficult is when he or she does not know or understand the plan or purpose or God's vision for his or her life.
As you are reading this piece, If this area of your life has not been known or discovered; you would have a lot of challenges to grapple with.
Many believers' lives are made meaningless— unproductive and unprogressive—because of this important factor.
There are different ways which the devil usually talks people out of God's plan for their life as he did in the case of Adam and Eve. Their lives were distorted and made meaningless because they deviated from God's original plan for their lives.
The way the devil came to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, shortly after God told them what to do and how to live their lives; that same way he came to Jesus in the wilderness before the commencement of His assignment, ministry.
The devil would surely come to challenge God's plan or vision or purpose you received or discovered; you would have to be sure of it and be able to defend it so that you would not jettison or drop or abandon it.

Therefore, If you are sure of what you had received as God's plan, vision or purpose, stand firm in the pursuit of it and make a dogged commitment to it.
You will not fail in Jesus' name. Peace.