3 Ultimate Guides To Review Your Blog / Website Professionally

in #blogging7 years ago

Most websites/blogs interface is based on what their owner likes, what is commonly used or what they believe their users should like. No matter how hard a webmaster or blogger try to give the best User Interface and User Experience to its users, there is always a point which the UI or UX is lagging behind.

Majorly, there are three things to consider while creating a website frontend design and if those things are approached well, your users should have the best User experience

  1. Responsive – This simply means how your website/blog front end design behaves on a different device, screen, etc. If your website or blog automatically adjust itself so as to fit the user’s device, it’s considered to be responsive. If yours is not, trying laying your hands on Twitter Bootstrap, or any other CSS that is flexible, and easy.

  2. Size / Requests: The size of your website or blog is determined by how many requests it made. Requests a website can make includes loading external js, CSS, images, etc. If your website is making the request, and this implies that before your website can load correctly, it needs to utilize files from an external server and thereby increasing the page size and load time.

  3. Content is king



Before you can decide to make a website or blog public regardless of its content, you must make sure it is Responsive. In this century, mobile is taking over the desktop browser and to keep yourself in the game, you’ve got to make your website or blog responsive.

To check for a website or blog responsibility status, you can easily use your Desktop Chrome browser. Navigate to the site then right click and select Inspect Element option. You can then proceed by dragging the console either to the left or to the right meanwhile you should take note of the width appearing on the top left-hand side of the console.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to go through that stress, go to Responsinator and input your site URL and then sit back and watch the magic. Responsinator can show you how your site looks on about 16 devices but compared to the Google Chrome method which you can check for any size.

Is your website responsive? If yes, proceed to step 2.


Analyze the URL to make sure its late as possible and not no unnecessary request are made. There are thousand of online tools to check this, including Pingdom, etc but I’ll recommend GTMetrix because it provides full details, its free and its customizable (changing of the area, browser, Adblock feature, etc).

After analyzing with GTMetrix and the result have been displayed, the next thing is to start checking the error and their solutions online. (If you have issues, you can contact me too).


This is the more or less the most important step. No matter how responsive your URL might be, content is always the king. You might be asking yourself that how do I check my content, it’s easier than you thought but takes time.

Have you heard about Criticue? It’s a wonderful network where you get real people (bloggers or webmasters) to review your site but you have to review a site first so you get a point then someone can review you too.

When you join the network, fill up the necessary things and you might even decide to ask “How are my contents? How do I improve them?”. You’ll get honest reviews that can either break your heart or cheer you up. All reviews are manually approved by moderators of the network.

After you might have done all the steps listed above, you’ll know how people actually view your site.

Were you able to review your site or blog like a pro after this guide?