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RE: Please Steemit, Help Me Save A Life.

in #blogg7 years ago

Wow another sign of Steemits great generosity. You are obviously in the right place. SO profound to see this post and to also see Steemits response in such little time. Miracles are real.
I would also like to add that there are many masters of health out there, books, programs, diets, natural medicines etc that have a MUCH higher success rate with almost all cancers and that also are much cheaper and safer.
I do hope that natural medacine is being explored atleast. Have you checked out Dr Gerson? Or Moringa? Or h2o2? Or alkaline water? all very helpful in the difficult battle with cancer.
Blessings to you and those you love~*~


Thank you @quinneaker
You are right steemit is such a wonderful place filled with caring people.
We have received a lot of comments with many different alternatives which I believe could be of some real benefit. I have been watching a Dr Max Gerson documentary today as recommended by another steemian.

Wow what can I say? Gerson was an amazing man who if it wasn't for greedy pharmaceutical companies silencing any form of natural healing then this would be common knowledge to all humans and maybe the world would be a different place.

Thank you for your support and recommendations I can tell it comes from your heart.

Yes the world would be a VERY different place and his story is not the only one. I am well aware of MANY such great stories and healing possibilities. I even KNOW people in these areas of life, doctors, naturopaths , patients who have died patients who has lived.
I know ur in a tough place and yes the world is really messed up in many ways. However the possibility exists for you and your family. You don't have to let the sick ways of the world be your ways.
I had to share because I atleast must make it known. What you or anyone else does is up to you and your choice.
I wish you the best regardless~

Thank you @quinneaker I really am taking it all in, I have been researching the methods you have mentioned and I must say they all seem very beneficial, I looked up h2o2 and I am going to order it for Louise and I, I will even recommend it to Colette. Thank you for sharing this wisdom with me and everyone else who has read these comments. Oh yeah when I Googled food grade hydrogen peroxide without scrolling down I saw you in your YouTube video. :)

So great to hear!
I truly wish you her and everyone holistic health. Nature does it best and we just need to realize the natural ways of thrival.
Did you check out this website on h2o2 colloidal silver and more?