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RE: 20 Minute Blog when I can - The List

in #blogaday6 years ago

Wow, @amariespeaks, so good to hear from you again after all those months.
It always leaves me with a lot of questions when a familiar 'face' disappears, lol. It's nice to see you hop in again...

Sounds like life has been interesting :0)

Until then I may continue to randomly post 'useless' freewrites on how hard it is for me to write lately.

I know all about that, lol. Only just experienced how liberating it can be to write about writer's block.

I definitely like what's on your list. If you ever get to it, there are a couple of things I'm really curious about. This may sound a little weird, but I'm sort of obsessed by language, so the

is the English language really dumbing us down? Etymology and the control of words.

really fascinates me. Now I want to start doing some research, lol.
Of course, I want to hear all about those Energy Vampires too, for sure!!


hey @simplymike :-D so glad you liked the list! I definitely hope you dig into the control of words.. it is a worm hole I found startling, if it's based in truth that is.. I will definitely be sharing some of the things I found on it and I plan to dig a bit more on it. If you write on it tag me! I would love to read it!
P.S. I'm really starting to think energy vampires are sucking our planet dry... I mean if you think about it - with these 'people' money is everything but only because it means power and with power comes this strong energy (I plan to learn more about the kinetics and frequency definition of this domination type of power) But okay - then I think what is the point of having power - on a timeless, universal scale.. it has to be the energy.. because these 'people' are not thinking on as small a scale as fiat currency - I hypothesize at least lol ;-)

oh damn, I ranted in my reply - so sorry simplymike! just glad to be back I guess <3 be sure to check around in a few days; I hope to start something off

No worries... ranting can be healthy, lol.

Money and power... worst drugs in the world :0)

I'm keeping an eye out...