in #blog7 years ago

Hello my dear friends of STEEMIT.


First of all, I want to make clear that this a true story of my experiences and I do not intend to give you a lecture in quantum physics, however, to talk about these experiences that I have lived in my life, I must refer to "Quantum Physics”. It is being proven that we are made of pure energy. We live in a quantum world and this basic concept gives us the reference that brings us closer to understand clearly about the reality of our Universe.

Throughout my existence, I have been looking for the situations that have surrounded my life. I firmly believe that one of the main objectives in our life is to obtain knowledge, therefore, I have dedicated a large part of it to obtain as much information as possible. I believe that this knowledge gives us a level of awareness and it also gives us the tools we need to live a full life. I understand that all those experiences, both good and bad, are only life lessons.

In this article, I intend to share part of my living with this new concept and how to apply it to our day to day.


We have to understand that in the last 100 years, there has been a great increase in technological discoveries and every day, we can see the abundance of all this information. At this moment, they have included in our vocabulary the word "Quantum". And it is similar at the time when computers arrived, we had to make an effort to understand this concept, because, it is a fact that it will become part of our daily life; In order to have a clear idea of the subject that concerns us, we must necessarily clarify the definition of "Quantum Physics". And by definition "Quantum physics is the branch of physics that studies the field of what is not seen, that is, phenomena not measurable from the point of view of the totality of its possibilities. Its object of study is the behavior of minimum dimensions of matter such as the atom and the particles that compose it, the impossibility of its location and indeterminism of said particles "(Taken from the blog

I have had the obligation to refer to our quantum world, because, although it seems very complicated for our understanding, we only need to know the basic concept in order to understand. although, we have problems to understand in detail this concept, we only need to know that we are energy beings. Based on this idea I have decided to write this article, which in a very summarized form I want to explain the real use of this knowledge. In truth, it is how I perceive at this moment and I did apply it in my daily life.

I know that, in times of change, we resist leaving our old concepts to obtain new information, it seems that we feel so comfortable with what we know that we do not want to leave our comfort zone in any way. However, the story can be a terror movie or a love story depending on how they tell it to us.

It is understandable that, we have no much knowledge of our universe, it is easy to fall into the manipulations from many people or institutions that use such information to submit and keep us under the yoke of ignorance.

We have been dominated more by our ignorance than by force and they have done so for centuries.


Of course, it is now easier for them to control our minds due to the increase in technological systems that are growing exponentially. But I tell you something, we still are on time to live the reality that we all want to live. We can build a new reality in a very simple way because, now we know how our world works and I ratify that it is not about witchcraft, religions, or communism, it is only about being what we really are, spiritual beings living material experiences. So, we can all recover what is ours, our essence, our living, we have the opportunity to build our own paradise.

For these reasons, it is important to know that everything is possible. I am referring to your life and we can live a better life.

Do not settle to live just for living.


As I told you, we are in a world where they have always had control of us thru the information given but the real information should be taught to us since the moment of our arrival to this planet.

Now we have certainty, that we are energetic beings, that was verified by quantum physics, therefore, it gives us peace of mind, because being energetic beings, we clearly understand that nothing can harm us, we have nothing to fear including, death. This is our world, it does not belong to anyone, it is ours and now we are aware that all experiences are created by us. There is nothing to fear, we ourselves can create a paradise or hell. Quantum physics states that our thoughts are energy and that is why all our problems are our creation. The same bible told us, but we did not understand, "ask and it will be given". I can also refer to the saying "change your way of thinking and your life will change". So everywhere we have had the message, but we do not think that it is real.

The law of attraction ceases to exist because it is from the inside out that our reality manifests, so we do not attract anything, we only generate it with our thoughts. In conclusion, we can assure that the only culprit of the things that happen to us is ourselves. It is difficult to change our way of seeing reality, but it is true and I say it from my experiences.

Once I understood this situation, I began to work on my bad habits of thought and as I corrected them my reality began to change. It is not a story it is reality. I do not want to fill your mind with all the events that had happened in my life but is up to you whether you believe me or not.

What I want to tell you is that we live in a quantum world and I can see it every day. Now I can see clearly how we have been dominated by the use of technologies because people who think they own this world know it and they use it in order to manipulate us for their wellbeing. For these reasons, we must understand who we really are.

In conclusion, quantum physics tells me that I am energy, therefore, I am eternal, because energy cannot be destroyed. Likewise, it says that I can change my reality when I so designate. Quantum physics tells me that I am a totally free being and also tells me that I am part of a universe that I cannot fully understand yet, but every time we take a small step in our evolution we are getting closer in understanding and to know who is God.

In order to have these experiences, I study quantum physics in greater depth, but I understood that what I needed to know was always in my life, but I never gave it the value and, therefore, never applied these teachings and I was able to get closer to the understanding of life. I always had the anxiety to know what I was doing in this world? Well, the answer is simple, enjoying physical experiences that as a being of light, cannot live. At this moment, I can understand better the meaning of "enjoy the trip", because in reality it does not matter what kind of experience you are living, you can change it whenever you want. I see life now in a different way, I see beings living experiences, I do not perceive now the sensation of seeing Spaniards, Germans, Americans or Chinese, I only see beings just as they are.


This is my story in a quantum world and as real as I want it to be, they are my experiences, what I transmit to you is because I feel them and I live them and remember

“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy”

The poem is a list of things desirable in life. © by owner. provided at no charge for educational purpose
Desiderata - Words for Life by Max Ehrmann

Thank you, my friends of STEEMIT .... !!! Now it's your turn to live your quantum life ... !!!!


Good write up man! You only live once and that's forever! I love QM but also Buddhism, all comes down to the same in different words... You might enjoy reading this:

Thank you for your visit, I have followed many religions closely, as well as, many philosophies and I feel that all of them give us the information we need to follow the path of life. However, with this article I try to transmit my own experiences because I know it is difficult to cross that threshold where we understand the true meaning of life. taking advantage of these new technologies, I wanted to transmit the reality and if only one person understands my message, then I have fulfilled my duty. May the universe fill your life with beautiful experiences.