Why our lives are better with social media?

in #blog7 years ago

Social media is not just about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. In every story there's always a good side no matter how bad it looks. People say that, "Oh, our lives would be better off without social media." I believe not. I believe that out lives are better with social media. Why you ask? Social media helps people who wants to start a business or people who has business by promoting their products on the platform. It mostly helps the people the people who are just starting their businesses because they lack of budget. They dont have budget for putting up fancy ads on billboards.

Secondly, it is easy to spread the word by using social media. It is easy to connect. In early times, people write letters to send messages to people who they want to send messages with, people who are far from them. It takes ages for them to get the message but now that we have social media, with just a little tap from the tip of out fingers, the person you sent the message to could receive the message you want to say in a matter if seconds.

Thirdly, social media can be reliable. Not really everthing but at times, it could be. I believe that not eveything that our favorite news channel show is reliable. There could be news that have incomplete details and only social media could show the real story behind it. With social media, people could express their opinions freely because a) it's free, and b) millions of people use it and they could find someone they could agree with.

There are much more reasons why social media makes our lives better. I may have not mentioned it all but here are some reasons why. :)))