The Cure For Poverty

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Soroti, Uganda. A district in central Uganda bustling with life and activity. Home to some of the poorest of the poor. The look in the eyes of every passerby is that of hopelessness; the hopelessness resulting from abject poverty.

-Poverty is not the absence of money, it is the absence of hope.-

When all you live for is survival, you forget how to truly live. When your day to day life is spent wondering where your next meal will come from, the joy of living is lost.

Why do they find themselves in these situations? Not by any fault of their own. For truly, the people in Soroti are some of the most dedicated, hard-working people you could ever wish to meet. Certainly the economy in Uganda as a whole plays a big part into the financial depravity of the citizens of Soroti and its surrounding villages. But as with any developing country, these issues cannot be solved overnight.

So what is the remedy? Where is the hope for those found in such desperate situations? The kind of hope they truly need -the kind that lasts- is not found in the external things of life. Rather, it is a hope that can only be procured through something eternal. Not a hope found on the earth, a hope found above it. The hope that comes through a relationship with Christ.

-This is the only lasting cure for abject poverty.-


Hope you steel in Uganda and see the other part of the country. We need to work together to grow uganda. I believe God uses people like you and me to change something.
If this is someone house we can what can we do?

I agree, there is a great need in Uganda. As individuals we can do very little, but when we unite for a common cause, there is much that can be accomplished.

My family has started a missions organization headquartered in Soroti called Hope’s Cry International. We started an orphanage and also oversee humanitarian aid projects. We also bring in teams every year for a two week trip to work in hospitals and on various construction projects.

Our work in Soroti is growing and we are hoping to continue expanding to other parts of Uganda. By the grace of God we are trying to raise up a generation of hope by bringing people the gospel and helping them get out of their desperate situations.

If there is any way we can come in te help let us know becouse we can make use steemit