Can the US Just Stop Fighting War?

If the US population was getting a monthly bill for the current war(s) in Syria/Ukraine/Yemen/Libya/Iraq and elsewhere, do you think the people would agree with the government/military's current approach?
Not one chance. Nobody in the US has any clue why the US is fighting in Afghanistan. They have no clue that Opiod epidemic in the US is fueled by the current Afghani occupation. The troops are there to make sure that the poppies providing opium will continue to be grown.
The US will never leave Afghanistan for that reason.
That's ignoring the amounts of rare earth minerals and Lithium that lay in the wilds of the nation.
The Saudi war in Yemen is all about one thing, OIL. The Yemenis have done nothing with the oil fields under their sand, while the Saudis have nearly depleted their wells. To keep the petrodollar floated, the US needs the Saudis to keep pumping oil. If they run out, the whole scheme fails and so does the dollar. Therefore, the Yemenis need to acquiesce to the force currently being applied.
Thankfully they have a true fighting spirit, just not F-16s to fend off their attackers. Even the most valiant rape victim is overcome at some point. Modern weapons versus true grit doesn't end well.
It's heartening that Russia and Iran joined forces with Syria and Assad to stave off the US proxy army that was trying to overtake the nation. ISIS is a creation of the US Spook forces. It's only purpose is to destabilize regions and cause absolute mayhem.
ISIS is the rebranded AlQaeda. They are the same thing. Just different flags and different marketing strategies, yet somehow they occasionally run into each other on the battlefield.
Libya is where this all started. Overthrowing Ghaddafi was paramount. The US was able to steal the Libyan gold in London, while at the same time stopping the introduction of the golden dinar that would've changed the African unit of exchange. Ghaddafi was going to re-green his portion of the Sahara with a canal system, while at the same time create an African currency. The US wasn't on board.
Benghazi was the military weigh station for arming ISIS in Syria. Ambassador Stevens was taken out to cover up this fact. Once Libya fell, all of those fighters became ISIS in Syria, transhipped thru Turkey.
I could continue all night, but I'll stop here and pick this up again tomorrow.
They profit a lot in war. Oh look what happened to Iraq after they attacked it?
The idea that war is good for the economy is crap. It's good for the stockholders of the MIC.
True that bro
Not a chance! War is profitable. + I think the other reasons they do it is so they have a spy network in place in all countries and that we have battle ready troops. I don't think it will ever stop.
They cannot stop or the giant ponzi crashes.
And the bigger price. War begets more war.
The idea of taking something from someone else is a lose-lose proposition.
The idea of making something for both people is a win-win proposition.
Person A makes a thing. Person B wants it.
If person B goes to war to get it, then we are forgoing person A making more. Further, person B isn't making anything productive either. Not to mention the animosity built up.
Person A makes a thing. Person B wants it.
Then person B can learn to make the thing too. So, there will be 3 items.
Or person B learns to make something person A wants and trades, again there is 3 items.
3 items is far better than 1 item. Or, as war usually turns out, 0 items.
In the modern era, war is not even a reasonable concept. The world has gotten small in a hurry. Taking from another isn't even conceptually possible without consent. Take Crimea for example.