You win some and learn some
Everyday I learn something new and forget something worth forgetting
The most important things I try and remember but most the time I need to be reminded. Steemit has reminded me to pay attention to detail when it matters and I have learned some very difficult lessons. My business in reality is finance and I am also reminded of this lesson quite often, I deal in income tax and real estate and I admit to trying to cut corners to save time but I still pay attention to the details to make sure my clients are getting what they pay for and getting what they want.
Some of the most important lessons I have learned in my life have been lessons that cost me the most. Financial losses, relationship losses, and missed opportunities were almost all caused by not paying attention to details. I learn new things from people around me here on Steemit and try not to make the same mistakes over and over, I also try to watch and learn from people to avoid looking really dumb and feeling even dumber, If something doesn't work I would like to know about it before I make the mistake of trying and learning the hard way.
There are people trying to stuff tv's in the back of small cars here on steemit and there are guys like me with rope that are ready and willing to save you the trouble of trying to stuff this tv in the car when it's quite clear it's not gonna fit. The whole time this guy is trying to tell himself he will get it to fit, and it didn't happen.
There are lessons in life that by working them the hard way will teach us invaluable lessons, than there are the lessons we learn that are a total waste of time. Differentiating between the two different situations is the important aspect in learning that I would like to dial in. If someone is watching me struggle I would like to be told the error in my way just the same as when I see someone struggling I want to help. I may watch and take photos for the first 15 minutes to add some fun to my life, but eventually I am going to say something to make your life easier and hopefully you will be open to the help. Thanks for your support and engagement!


Ciao @vladivostok, i like what you are saying in this content. We all make mistake, that's part of life. You right it is a good thing to observe what is happening around us, because we can learn from it. Sometimes what happens around us, could be a signal from life trying to teach us something. I believe you should not regret the mistake you made in the past, because you were supposed to make them. What is important is that you learn from those mistake so in the future it won't happen again. In the last part fo your content you said that you would like someone to tells you when you are doing something wrong, but unfortunately it doesn't always happen. In my life i realise is better to do not expect anything , because if you expect something and you don't get it, you will get upset while if you don't expect something and you don't get, it won't matter. You seems a very nice person, that want to help people and i'm the same, it is good to help people and i do that everytime i can, what is important to remember is to help without expecting something in return and also to understand if the person you are helping is worth to help or if is taking adventage of you. I believe in life everything that happens to us is good, because if is not a bless, it is a lesson. I'm happy to talk with you about this kind of topic brother, i just started folowing you so i will keep an eye on your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day
We think the same, each situation we find ourselves in is for a purpose, to learn or teach or just keep good company. thank for your words..they reach the heart and are appreciated fully.
it's my pleasure mate, i really appreciate you took the time to read my comment and i'm glad you like it, thanks again for the great post you uploaded
You not just helped him by giving him a rope but the best part was you connectrs that moment so beautifully that there are people like him who needs help and like you with rope who are willing to help. Really appreciate your life lessons bro. These lessons cannot be teach in school or colleges, can only be teach by a person by you who already experienced such situations.
perfect comment
Thank you very much for posting on a photo steemit so thank you very much for giving me many congratulations and greetings from me.
Thanks for your support, join my discord and post promotion, i am sure you will like and learn a lot, very free to speak your mind and ask questions.
thanks for aware us
Nce post
Plz cmmnt my post nd upvte
good post, i like your post @vladivostok..
thanks. not all pleasure will cause happiness. it's all we have to do and from ourselves to make the better.
want to travel to a beautiful place, but have no money. @vladivostok
awesome photo..