Few beers in, couple dollars short, couple of friends scared.

in #blog6 years ago


For those of you that don't know me, which is probably all of you... I like to write random complete nonsense when I've had a few drinks, so let's get right into that.

Today isn't a special occasion or anything like that, I just had a bit of a dumb day, running around, following things up and chasing things down which is really getting annoying for me these days, I've been doing way to much of it and I'm sick of it so when I got home I was like fuck it... I'm going to have a few frosty ones and not really do a whole lot of anything so that's exactly what I did. I've just been sitting here all night talking shit to friends and scrolling my news feeds, I've just been getting in contact with old friends who I haven't talked to in years which was good.

Now for no reason I'm going to tell you about a dream I had the other night which was amazing!
It was the dead of night, a thunderstorm was right overhead and as the rain and lightning crashed all around the stables it struck the hay loft and set it alight and as the stables burnt me and 2 of my friends were standing in the path of the horses as they escaped the inferno wailing a 3 part harmony which the lyrics were "Into Valhalla we will ride, We'll ride to Valhalla oh, on the way to Valhalla, oh only if we die." so picture this, three hairy metal head dudes, 2 of them playing guitar and singing and one of them screaming to the sky as there's a fire burning down a stable behind them with horses flying around them escaping the blaze, as rain and thunder crashed and flies around them... a pretty epic scene I think you'll agree. I woke up with a huge smile on my face as it was the most epic thing I've ever imagined or seen in my life.

Moving right along, I'm working on my top 20 metal albums for 2018 which is something I like to do every year, so hopefully by next week sometime I'll have the list ready for publishing so I want everyone who reads this to prepare themselves for the bombardment!

uhh what else...
balls are weird, just a bag with a couple of heaps fragile things in it... why no protection?

Asahi is a very good beer, I think I prefer the cans to the bottles, the cans are actually made in Japan where as the bottles are made in china under the supervision of Asahi but I think the tins are a lot crisper to the bottles... could just be me though.

That's enough of this nonsense, my apologies...
VikingHammer Out!


Write drunk, edit sober.

Worked for Hemmingway. Reading this was a bit like looking into a mirror. I don't drink beer; but get the nuance of cans vs bottles - same thing happens with ciders!

I can't really get a good train of thought going when I'm drunk, it's like I have ADHD... Yeah bottles are good and mostly better, but with Asahi I prefer the cans, plus the cans are also 200ml bigger haha!