Live Truth Productions Presents "US Spends More on Military Defense Than the Next 7 Countries COMBINED"

in #blog7 years ago

Live Truth Productions is a multimedia publishing house & more from the Garden of Eden sustainable ecovillage!

Education is one of our primary focuses: we want to inspire everyone to think outside the box and open themselves to the infinite possibilities that exist for ALL aspects of life, and we encourage free thinkers to CHOOSE a full spectrum life of thrival that adds value for all beings and our Earth! 

To that end, we want to share some of our early projects with you!

While our @truthproductions account has only been active for about 6 months on Steemit, we have been hard at work behind the scenes in service to the @gardenofeden's community mission for almost a decade! We have hundreds of thousands of photos, thousands of videos, articles, graphics, and designs, and multiple websites that illuminate sustainable, honorable, responsible options that support a better world for all creatures and our living planet, and we look forward to continuing to share them here on the blockchain.

We have been visual artists for years with combined decades of experience, and Steemit productions are one of our latest masteries! We offer our consulting services to help one and all improve their own success on this platform - stay tuned for an upcoming post with more info.

Today, we want to share one of our pieces with you! The following is an article titled US Spends More on Military Defense Than the Next 7 Countries COMBINED.

 We repeat: we have a problem with values in this country. 

In 2015, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA spent $596 BILLION on defense. 

The next 7 countries--China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, United Kingdom, India, France, and Japan--spent a combined $567 billion in the same year. Exclude China from that list, and the US spent more than the next 17 countries combined. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Pentagon and government have poor accounting practices, so it is difficult to accurately say exactly where these taxpayer funds are spent. However, researchers estimate that $385 billion of this (over half the budget!!) is paid out to PRIVATE CORPORATIONS--from Halliburton to BP--hired to build, operate, staff, secure, weaponize, and stock the nearly 1,000 US military bases worldwide. 

Taxpayers endorse this. Is this the world you want? 

On the heels of reports that the Pentagon lost $6.5 TRILLION, we believe it’s time to re-evaluate our priorities.  

 At the Garden of Eden, we don’t support the global military-industrial complex in theory or in action. We don’t shop at stores, pay taxes, sponsor corporations, or rely on petroleum. We redirect our focus from systems that profit on death and destruction to build a healthier and more sustainable world for ALL!

 Our existence proves that you do have a choice and that a better way is possible.


Thanks for tuning in today ~ we hope you enjoyed and found value in this Live Truth Production!

In upcoming posts, we will offer a better look at our services and core @truthproductions team: 





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Power to the people!


Fucking Dlive

If you put that in perspective of GDP, the US is ranked 11.

The US spends only 3.3% of its Gross Domestic Product compared to the number 1 nation, Oman, which spends 16% of it's GDP on their military.

The average spending is 3.41%, so really, the US is doing a pretty good job compared to the rest of the world when it comes to military spending.

Ahahahahahahaaaaaa you're joking right? "The US is doing a pretty good job" hahahaha
At what??? Raping women and children, murdering, destruction, total annihilation, pillaging the Earth and forsaking humanity for corporate profit - these are not actions nor values we support! This is not the kind of world we want to live in, or for our children to live in.
The FACTS are that ALL hunger, poverty, and homelessness could be wiped out if the US put its military budget towards decent values like caring for mankind and supporting society, but instead it takes taxpayer money and pays for both sides of war so an elite group of sociopaths can get richer. Absurd!

I’m not joking.

You are right, the money could be spent elsewhere in the US.

I showed that 10 other countries spend more of their taxpayer dollars on the military, 7 of them are at least about double that of the US, and that the US spends less than the global average.

The OP’s argument is that the US is the worst when it comes to military spending. If anyone is truly concerned about the issue of military spending, the US isn’t the problem. Where’s the post about Oman and how that government is using the taxpayer money?

If you are concerned with how Oman spends its money, then write that post. Are you paying taxes in Oman? How does it effect you? Are you hearing news reports about Oman starting wars? How many military bases does Oman have worldwide vs. the US?

The point here is that values in America are seriously skewed.

The US military budget is indeed a HUGE problem for the entire world. War is the biggest export of the US, and Americans are programmed to believe this is somehow a good thing or even "not that bad".

Oman isn't toppling governments on its own, but the US is certainly storming into nations on baseless grounds and destroying civilizations so private corporations can go in and "rebuild infrastructure" to make more money.

The number of dollars the US spends on the military FAR outweigh that of smaller nations, and those dollars COULD go towards helping humanity. It's obscene and dishonorable.

Justifying it is part of the problem.

I don't care about Oman, but I thought that you cared about military spending, which is why I brought Oman up.

I do agree with you that the values are skewed. If I look at the full budget (this article is a couple of years old, but still close), I don't see how much we pay on the military as an issue, but more in how little we pay for education:

Money isn't going to education because it's going to the military.
Money isn't going to eradicate homelessness because it's going to the military.
Money isn't going to building community gardens because it's going to the military.
Money isn't going to senior citizens because it's going to the military.
Money isn't going to building sustainable housing because it's going to the military.
...and on and on.

awesome information best of luck