in #blog8 years ago

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Question: The problem I run across is there’s a lot of disinformation and the very “occulting” of the entire concept makes it difficult to find the “truth” How do you determine what things are true and what things you should focus on?

Answer: There is a lot of disinformation out there. The reason for that is very simple, particularly w the dawn of the internet. When information availability is wide spread, and it’s basically at peoples fingertips, you really can’t hold back the flood gates of information anymore. So information is “out there” it simply is out there.
What those who really want to stop people from reaching certain information are doing now, as opposed to attempting to withhold certain pieces of information, which they know they cannot. Anybody can be a publisher now, you can scan something and put it online, you can record something digitally and put it online, and when it hits the internet it basically becomes immortal practically unless this planet goes away, that’s how powerful the internet is. As soon as something hits the net people are downloading it especially if you’re on distributed information system like “bitorrent” or something like “usenet” which goes out to tens of thousands of servers worldwide. When it hits the web in a form like that it’s basically “preserved” and It’s going to be in circulation of knowledge in this world until basically this planet is no longer here.
So they know they can’t stop the flow of information. What they need to do is add noise to the signal so that while that signal is being broadcast it becomes hazier and fuzzier, and more disjointed, like a radio signal that isn’t coming in clear. So I think that’s what you’re referring to here.
Now my suggestion to that is go to sources that are basically talking about the main underlying concepts and don’t get too bogged down in details. Now of course we delve into details here on this blog, it’s important to do. If the person is speaking from the point of view of true freedom, individual sovereignty, the understanding that there is ultimately no authority in man, that’s a person I would pay attention too.
If they’re promoting something that is self empowering and not “fear” based, but also not from an “egoic" perspective, from a perspective of truly wanting to help people, that’s the kind of person that I would pay attention too and listen too.
It takes an intuitive quality that we have to develop on our own, by being “eclectic" about information. What that means is taking information from a wide variety of sources, that will put you in a better position to gauge weather this person, weather intuitively if this information feels right and you can get a sense for their heart when you view them.
I don’t have any more specific techniques that I can to tell you to do. What I do is try to be as eclectic about the information gathering as possible. And sift through that and begin as you take in more to develop an intuitive understanding of weather the person that you’re receiving that information from basically has the “core” underlying concepts down correct.
And hey, everybody is human, everybody will make mistakes, I will make mistakes, not every single last detail that I ever said is 100% accurate. You take things, delve into them on your own, REFINE things, people will do that with lots of peoples information. You can say ok they got this 98% right, I’m going to refine it down to 99.9% correct. And that’s what it is, it is about a distillation of information. And again the main themes is what to focus on. In other words don’t let it become something where you don’t see the forest through the trees by focusing on nutia.
Get the general over arching concepts, and when you do that you’ll be able to see and hear the heart of that person vs getting bogged down in “oh he said this one day and he was wrong so he’s a dis info agent.” it doesn’t work that way, it’s about getting the gist of their ultimate underlying message, that’s the essence of that persons heart.
An actual technique that is useful in finding out and distilling the information is the “trivium” and I really suggest everybody look into this trivium method, Yawn Erving does an excellent job conveying this message but it’s a very powerful classic point that’s no longer taught in schools since about the 40s. It was dropped out of school curriculum for a very good reason bc it allows you to see through disinformation or lies by breaking down the actual language and understanding the core concept of what’s being said to you so you can point out the fallacies or the actual correct logic in anything, weather it’s a spoken word heard on the radio or seen on the TV, any source you can break it down to come to a more accurate knowledge of the truth.
These tools in hand, “Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric” And then into the “quadrivium” which is Mathematics, Geometry, Music and Astronomy. Yawn Erving does an excellent jog of discussion these, you want to check out his website at triviumeducation.com and Yawns main site is gnosticmedia.com Yawn Erving is a tremendous resource and I definitely encourage people to check out his work.

“TRUE AWAKENING” “the blog” will be posted on Fridays. Also, on Wednesday I’ll post a Question and Answer. You’ll want to read the blog in order 1,2,3… It's a tapestry, I'm laying foundational work in the beginning. Earlier blogs is all pre-requisite knowledge. If you want to understand the whole tapestry you have to read in order at your own pace, don't skip around. I know it's a big investment of time but I guarantee if you do that, on the other side of that, if you're willing to put that kind of time into it, you'll come out of it with information that I GUARANTEE nobody else is talking about.


Looking forward to reading more and also asking more questions. Awesome!

My mission to spread this knowledge as far and wide as possible, keep reading and sharing, thank you!