in #blog7 years ago

EARTH .jpg
My posts have been described by some as extremely intense, and at times, even combative. Some people are very likely to be angered by the things I write. So be it. The fact of the matter is the truth itself, by it’s very nature is belligerent, because it wages war against all forms of deception and mind control. I do NOT present this information to be liked, to be popular, to make money, to make friends. To be honest, I don’t even WANT to do this with my time, as I already know, understand and live this information. I do this only because I recognize that in a time of such overwhelming ignorance of this critical information, the fact that I do understand it, places me in a Moral Obligation to speak this information to others, in an attempt to help them understand it and live it as well.


There’s one lie that is really BIGGER than any other that is ever told and it is the most dangerous ideology that basically exists.There actually is a name for it and this is one of the most fundamental ideologies believe it or not, in the western world. As difficult as that may be for some people to believe, this ideology is so prevalent and so insidious that you will find it out there. People you have discussions with, people that you least expect to hold this general ideology. You’ll find that they believe this and they’re unwilling to accept anything else no matter how much contradictory evidence is brought to their attention, and this ideology is called “SOLIPSISM.” 
Many will be hearing this word for the first time because it’s not generally talked about as a philosophy or ideology, so a lot of people don’t know what it is. So this is the BIGGEST LIE, this is the main deception that manipulators really use.They want people to unknowingly and unwittingly to accept the philosophy of Solipsism, even if it’s in the back of their minds. And many people are Solipsists and don’t even really know it, they don’t really understand that that’s the ideology that they subscribe too. 
What Solipsism is, is the philosophical notion that one's own mind is really all that exists, and that one's perceptions are equated to reality and truth. 
So your perceptions are all that there is, the contents of your mind, your perceptions, that’s all that exists.  And if you believe that you might as well stop reading this now because there’s nothing I or anyone else could say that’s going to dissuade you from your course, however; this is the BIGGEST LIE!
There is no more dangerous notion or ideology that there is no such thing as truth. This is the ideology that is placed “out there” to dissuade people from ever really going on the journey, from ever really stepping on to the spiritual path in life and the path toward truth. Because if you can convince someone that there really is no truth, that it’s all relative, that it’s all based on perception, no matter how astray from natural law principles their perceptions may be, then you really have them where you want them to manipulate their sense of reality. That’s the BIGGEST LIE! 
Here’s where this ideology leads. Let's look at some of the basic tenants of Solipsism. Solipsism basically states that there is essentially no reality, there are no actual experiences, it’s all just one person's perceptions. In other words, if my mind ceases to exist, the universe ceases to exist, so nothing really exists to a Solipsists, it’s all just a fleeting thing in between the time when someone is born to the time someone dies and nothing really matters. 
The second tenant is even if tenant number one is disproven and we can prove that something actually exists, nothing can actually be known about it. So there’s no such thing as knowledge, knowledge doesn’t exist to a Solipsists. In other words, even if you could come to an understanding in your own mind of the way natural law works, even if you could understand that something exists you could not really understand anything about it in fullness. 
The third tenant of Solipsism is, even if something could be known about anything. You take some kind of natural law, you take some kind of basic principle, a thing or an object, a fundamental quality of consciousness, and even if you could get to the truth about any of those things, you could understand something and actually “know” and know any information in full, you could never actually communicate that to any other living being. That knowledge about anything could not really be communicated to other beings. 
Now this ideology, in my understanding, is about as close to the conception of Hell as it gets. Nothing exists, and even if you were ever to know anything about it, and even if you were somehow to come into knowledge about it, it is impossible to take that knowledge and communicate it to anyone else. What I would say is this is THE BIGGEST LIE! This is the lie that manipulators really want to be propagated to other people bc that means they’ll never begin the awakening process. 
The awakening process takes one initial leap of faith. One and only one, and that leap of faith is that you must initially believe that there is truth to be found on the journey, otherwise, you will never set foot on that path. If you believe there is no such thing as the truth it doesn’t matter anything else that takes place around you because you will never actually for yourself look into anything. 
If you believe you’re not capable of understanding truth you’ll never start looking into it for yourself. And if you buy the third tenant that even if you were to understand it you could never really truly communicate it to anyone else, you’ll never really begin speaking the truth to anyone else, and that’s why this is the most dangerous and insidious ideology on the face of the earth, and it’s called Solipsism. Remember that word, look into it and there are more Solipsists out there than you would ever believe. I know that may be difficult for many readers to believe, however; that is the case, there are a lot of Solipsists out there.  
The idea that perception is reality is something that many people really want to propagate and embed in the consciousness of people. Perception IS NOT reality! The quality of our experience is dictated by how closely aligned our perceptions come with truth. And our goal in life needs to be to bring our perceptions into “harmony” with truth, with that “which is”, so we’re not constantly engaged in fantasy, so that we’re not constantly engaged in superstition, so that we’re not constantly ignoring that which is going on around us, and more importantly we’re not ignoring that which is going on WITHIN us, because that’s really where this is all being driven from. 
You’re not going to hear me too much talk about the highest level of the control element that's going on. You’re not going to hear me get into hatred towards those people who are really up at the highest level of the conspiratorial pyramid. Because I don't hold a lot of bitterness or anger towards those people. In a lot of ways, they are united with themselves at least, in a very sick, twisted and dark way they’re united with themselves. See they’re beings that: “as they think, so they feel, so they act.” As twisted as their actions may be they’re still “in unity” at least with themselves and that’s why they’re successful at what they do. That’s why have, and have had up to this point, a largely an easy time at manipulating the rest of us. Because most of us cannot make that same claim Sadly, that: “as we think, so we feel, and so we ACT”  in unison. And there’s no contradiction between those three modalities in our lives. Many of us cannot really make that statement. We take actions that we know in the knowledge that we carry and in our emotions, how we feel about it, we know and understand that essentially those actions are not what we should be doing. Yet for whatever reasons or justifications we take those actions anyways. And that’s how we get off the path of truth and again is why we suffer. We really can’t bring those three aspects of ourselves: “our thoughts, our emotions and our actions” into alignment, unless we understand enough about ourselves and how we work, and that’s why the manipulators of this world are really so successful.They understand how consciousness works, they understand how natural law works, they understand how the principles of truth work. They’ve decided to take that knowledge and use it as a weapon against other people that they wish to control and put under their thumb. 
Because If you can take so much knowledge out of general circulation and you can hide it, you can “occult” that knowledge, and that’s all the word occult means, we’ll be talking a lot about the occult, It means to “hide from sight.”  We’ll be talking a lot about the occult. different occult systems, different occult ideologies, and beliefs, different occult groups as this blog progresses over the weeks.  
All the word occult means is “hidden” it comes from the Latin word “occultare” Again, another thing I’m going to be doing is getting into the meaning of words, and getting into how words control people. We are controlled through words, more than any other methodology, believe it or not, that's true. 
Do this as an experiment. Just play a general word association game and ask one hundred people. Say the word “occult” and ask people what is the first word that comes to mind when I say the word occult?  And I guarantee you almost 100% of the time the person will say it’s associated with “Evil”  Try it! 
This is what the manipulators want you to think of as the occult. All it means is knowledge that has been “hidden”, It comes from the Latin verb “Occultare.” Occultare means: “to hide or to conceal” that’s it! Nothing more, nothing less. There is no connotation that is for good purposes or for evil purposes. 

And that’s another distinction we’re going to make, what is the difference between “understanding” and “wisdom,” what is the difference between “knowledge” and “properly applied knowledge”?
See a lot of people reading this blog and throughout the world, have a lot of knowledge, they know a lot about what is going on, however; that’s only the first step. Having knowledge can be helpful and having knowledge can be useless. Knowledge is simply information, and what matters isn’t necessarily having the knowledge: “accurate information about what is” that’s knowledge. However, what really makes knowledge important, knowledge in itself isn’t power, what YOU DO with what YOU KNOW really imbues knowledge with power. That’s when it becomes actively applied knowledge and that is done through our ACTIONS.
Once you know what are you going to do with what you know, and hopefully this blog will be an inspiration for some people to really begin using the most powerful device, the most powerful agency, the most powerful force in the known universe, and that is the power of the HUMAN VOICE. That is the most powerful force in the universe!
The voice is the greatest gift that we have ever been given and it can serve a dual purpose. Because the manipulators of this world, they’re using their voice 24/7, and they're using it for deception, and manipulation, and the propagation of lies and in particular the BIGGEST LIE. That there’s no truth, don't even bother going after it, after all, you can’t know it, you don’t have the ability to know and understand what is going on and what is taking place around you. And more importantly, they want you to identify with the fact that you can’t really know what’s going on aside of yourself in your own consciousness. So, knowledge properly applied in the world, that is what wisdom is. And that’s what makes knowledge good or bad. Used for good to elevate human consciousness or used for deceptive purposes to spread lies and keep people ignorant and to keep people under control.
No topics are going to be considered taboo on this blog, there is no such thing as negative information. This is where I come into some great divergence in some new age schools of thought. I’m not a “new age” subscriber in this regard. There is no such thing as negative information. As a matter of fact, one of the worst things that I think we could do is to refuse to engage the truth no matter how ugly it is. If we refuse to look at our own shadow, at the darkness that dwells in our own individual consciousness, and in our own hearts then we’re really not going to get very far on the journey that we’re on, and we’re not really going to get to the heart of the matter. We have to be willing to look into that heart of darkness and confront it. Because there’s really no escape from the situation that we worked ourselves into as a species. The way out of this uncomfortable situation is to go through it. Not around it, not under it, not over it, not turning your back and walking in the other direction, it doesn’t work like that. The way out is to go THROUGH the problems that we created by confronting them. And the only way to do that is to look at one's self. The answer lies in the mirror and that’s going to be the focus of what this blog is really all about. This blog is going to be a process of “self-examination” above all else. Self-examination, the more self-knowledge we have about how we work, and WHY we fundamentally believe in the way that we do, and fundamentally WHY we behave the way we do. And until we have enough information about that you really aren’t in a position to start affecting things for the better and moving it toward the solution. There does have to come knowledge first, otherwise we’ll be running around like a chicken with our heads cut off not really knowing what's going on, not really knowing what's going on within us most importantly.
In the next few days we’ll start talking about human consciousness and how it really works, also how the controllers control our conscious through mass manipulation and mind control techniques. Understanding consciousness and the human brain is of fundamental importance in knowing who we really are.


Thanks for reading everybody!

Final Note:
This knowledge remains powerless if it is known by a few. The solution lies in this knowledge becoming widespread and not staying “occult” (hidden) any longer. There is something known as BitTorrent, where somebody makes an announcement, "I HAVE this data, you want it?" Sure! One person comes in, when they get a little bit of it then they can give it to others. So EVERYBODY becomes, both a RECEIVER of that information AND a TRANSMITTER of that information. And THAT is how you assure that that one piece of knowledge or data does not fall into the wrong hands or does not become prevented from being propagated and understood by everyone. The "BitTorrent effect" Well this is what we need to be to combat what's going on in the world and to combat specifically mind control. We need to take as much information into us from a wide variety of sources and then re-disseminate that information widely and freely, OPEN SHARING. This is a "round table model" The BitTorrent Effect model, not compartmentalized and Hierarchical. The information I present does not belong to me, it isn't mine to hide from anyone, it isn't mine to wall off from other people. The universe is "spoken" into existence. Share knowledge as widely and freely as possible! That's how you ensure that it doesn't become used as a form of CONTROL. You don't have secret society networks and intelligence communities gathering all the important knowledge of the world and keeping it back from other people, which is what we have now. So please share this information with others and especially younger generations, If there is any hope it's in the young people, to change their attitude and behaviors is of fundamental importance.


Follow and vote @cryptonnn .. I will follow you back , and vote :)

ok, Im interested in what your posting anyway, thanks!

Hi @trueawakening,

I'm writing this comment because I read your post and I have liked it very much. I agree with you that more people should read about truth. I'm looking for the truth myself since I was young. I never satisfied with fairy tales and void explanations. I must say that your words are true, what you wrote is very interesting. And you also wrote very excessively.

Being excessive is good and bad at the same time. Primarily it gives you more room to express yourself and say what you want to say. When it comes to spiritual or psychological topic it's not easy to be short because these things are not easily communicable. But still, it is important to get the essence as much as possible so that the people of our rushing world only have to sacrifice the least amount of time to read it. Otherwise they will be scared away. I know it sounds bad but if you want more people on board, you need to address the masses and not only the tiny minority who is already on the path. The hard truth is that 90% of the people will never sit down and read a long blog post especially if it's something he can not even understand yet. Most of them just skip to the next cat video. Maybe I'm a little pessimistic here?

If you want to reach more people there is a few things I can suggest to you:

Don't use code box to emphasise!
It looks cool if you have something short to say but if you have a long paragraph or even a longer phrase it is not a good idea to put it in code box because it doesn't use line breaks and also the font family is hard to read. If you want to highlight some parts you can use bold or italic styling.

Try to break down your article into paragraphs and use titles for each important part. I know you doing that but I think you should do more. It will help the reader to digest one part at a time and to find where he/she left reading if she have to look at something else for a second. The hardest part for me was when I was reading, to follow the lines. I had to select the text I have read already, than keep selecting each line down what I've finished while I was progressing through the page. So my eyes had know where is the next line. (under the selected text) It was quite a challenge:)

If your blog is a sequence you might want to number them in the title. When I was browsing your blog history I've noticed that for the majority of your posts you use the same title with a little modification. No offence, but if there is a logic, I'm sorry but I couldn't figure it out.:)

Lastly, you want to use pictures. If it is not closely related to topic, that's fine (a forest, group of people, etc), but a good picture can drive in more people and if they are here already, they might read as well!:) Make sure however that the picture you using is legally OK to use. (no copyright) You can do that if you browse pictures on pixabay, for example.

These changes can be easily made with the use of MarkDown. If you need help with anything, I would be very happy to give you advice.

Hope you understand that I didn't wanted to insult you in any way with this comment. If the style you're writing is your way to express yourself or you don't want to waste your time to format your post, than forget what I've said. Maybe it is your spiritual autolysis and you just want to write it out... Either way I'm very glad that you started to write this blog. I will follow you from now on.

I made a demonstration of my ideas for you to see how much of a difference it's make if you follow these ideas. You can see it here.

The choice is always yours.

Regards, @neander-squirrel.

Have a nice day! :)

When I say living in harmony w natural law or living in opposition to natural law, what I mean is KNOWLEDGE. Anytime I say that people have an extremely negative reaction. It is FEAR but it’s mind control more over. They are being fed this poison that there really isn’t any truth and that knowledge is not the way out of this prison. And I’m telling you knowledge ​goes hand and hand w freedom.
There is truth, and YOU can KNOW It, and you can bring yourself​ into harmony and balance with it. Keep reading my friend, thanks for all the support, your comments are VERY helpful. I'll work on what you suggest, Yes, I will have questions. If you can teach me how you made that article so beautiful that would be great!​ thank you!

So would yo suggest I just start studying "markdown" ? That revised copy you sent is so beautiful! THank you so much!

​I watched a vid on markdown, do I need to join "Photobucket" to insert photos or just drag and drop? ​And the vid says to use double asterisks​ to make text bold but I see a "B" for bold and "I" for Italic? It almost looks like ​"word"
​ ​How did you learn, maybe you could guide me there? ​I appreciate it, ​Thank you!

I didn't get lost if you were worried:)

I'm writing a post about how to make posts pretty which hopefully will answer all your questions.

I've figured that it would take the same amount of time to write it here for you as I can make a post and everyone benefits:)
I'm asking a little bit of patience because the topic is complex and I'm also a learner myself. I think it will be online in a few hours.

I have not used photobucket before but it seems that you have to register there. If you don't want to you can use imgur.com or tinypic.com or imgsafe.org. These are all free, with no registration required.

Beautiful, just take your time. And, no I would rather not register, I'd like to do what is simple and whatever you suggest. thank you!

Hi @trueawakening,

I just thought I let you know that I published the post:)

It is quite lengthy but you will see a great benefit of it once you've mastered it all:)

Here it is: https://steemit.com/tutorial/@neander-squirrel/tutorial-the-ultimate-guide-how-to-make-posts-so-pretty-that-everyone-must-read-it

Tell me what you think after reading;)

thank you neander squirrel, really appreciate​ your help!

Dear neander-squirrel, I just read the entire instructions. This will take some time to digest and practice but should be VERY helpful. Thank you SO much! Once I build up my site I'll find a way to repay you.
Also, I have one more question. I have to leave the country soon on business and I'll be gone six to nine months. Do you know if my site will still be active if not used for that long? When I get back I plan on hitting this full tim​e to really get the message out to people. Thanks again, you're a good person.