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in #blog8 years ago

Largely what I refer too is Natural law, which is based on principle that is objective, unwavering and unchanging, the knowledge of the difference between “right” and “wrong.” The TRUTH!
This is the reason for ALL the distractions, tv, politics, sports etc. to keep us entertained so we never learn the “truth” mainly about natural law, it’s manifestations, and how we are co-creators of our reality. That’s why natural Law is the MOST occulted (hidden) information on the planet.
Another thing referring to the above post and your question. We can use the “trivium” to learn more accurately what’s going on around us, and more importantly what’s going on inside us. Knowledge of the “Self” is directly related to freedom, understanding the Self, how we operate, so we can’t be manipulated.
Modern education takes the second part of the trivium “Logic” out, and only uses input/ output so children never question the validity of the information they’re being taught. That’s why it’s not education but an indoctrination.
The “trivium” consists of “knowledge” “logic” “rhetoric” Look into this, it’s a fascinating topic if you don’t already know, which teaches us the proper way of learning and coming to a more accurate knowledge of the truth.
Once you learn the truth, SPEAK it to others BOLDLY because it’s the truth! The universe is SPOKEN into existence. Speech is a vibration that can change minds, and everything begins in the mind. The human voice is the greatest gift we have. Use it! The controllers of this world are using their voice 24/7 to spread lies and deceit. We must do the same by using our voice to spread the truth! The TRUTH needs a LOUDER voice! Hope that answers your question. Thank you!


Do me a favor if you will and in plain concrete terms; tell me: "what is truth?"

Actually all truth comes from Yahuah our Creator himself, so he has said it.
But your "Trivium" is just another cult of the "gnostic" persuasion. But I get it, you are on a path, a distraction from real truth in Yahuah's Torah Echad and hopefully one day you will recognize this and find real truth.


"The entirety of Your word is all truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever."

Actually "truth" is a western concept which has replaced "right ruling"...

I'll be discussing all this in great detail in the blog on Friday when I discuss "Solipsism" the BIGGEST LIE! Hopefully, that will answer some of your questions above. Or don't read it. And again at the risk of sounding condescending, I'm not here to make friends with anybody, I'm not here to offend anybody, I'm here to explain why we're in the mess we're in, that's what my job is, and I do happen to understand how that works. It's not an egoic statement, that's not me bragging, many people throughout history understood how this works, some far more intelligent human beings than myself, I'm not saying that I know it all, I'm not saying that I'm perfect in any way because believe me I'm far from perfect and many people are far better than me. What I am saying is that I understand the principles of what got us into the mess that we're in as a species and I do understand what it will take to get us out of it. Weather or not people will follow up with it is up to them.
And I'm not really interested in debating weather this information is true or not either. I understand natural law principles, I understand how these laws operate. Not what I think they are, not what my opinion of them is, I've studied these laws and how they operate to an extent that few people have. So if you think nothing is wrong in the world, or you don't care then just unfollow this site and nice knowing you. Take care!

Dude you spend way too much time in the classroom and not enough time in the real world...

LOL yes lately you are correct about time spent in the classroom. But who else is going to do this? Why don't you help me do the "great work"? Then I can hand some of this off to you and take a break!?

The work you seek is a delusion in deception, a psychobabble BS story.
Time to get real and get a grasp on reality... If it has no weight, no mass and if you cant't detect it with your senses then it doesn't exist. "gnosis / knowledge / indoctrination" is not truth...