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RE: Game of Coins

in #blog7 years ago

I have to disagree with your assessment @the-alien. Governments are simply a front for those who are really in control and there is no doubt that plans for a one world currency have been in place for a long time now so it would make perfect sense to crash the existing fiat economy and by means of problem, reaction, solution, emerge on the other side as the saviours of humanity once again with their new digital currency system that just so happens to require you to have all of your transactions tracked and monitored at all times, with no hope of escape, no means for interacting with the smart grid of digitised everything unless you accept the impositions of the system. And if you don't agree, you don't have access. You don't exist.

Those who are in charge now are so because they have always remained one step ahead of the rest of us and there is no reason that I see to suggest anything is changing in this regard. It could be a path to freedom or a path to compounding our current position of enslavement. It is too early to tell!

Good post mate. Hope your day is going well!


You're right, it how it always have been, kings were fronts, preachers were fronts..

The good part is that there is no way in hell they can stop decentalized coins unless they shut off the internet. And then it's gonna be the biggest revolution of all, so they can't do it.

Even the most apathetic, non-caring teenager who spends all day playing Xbox will take it to the street if they take their internet away.

And they cannot shoot decentralized platform down, because there is no leader they can shoot down. They have to murder millions of people who's identity they ignore.

The more this decentralization movement grows the most impossible the task before.

This is just like the printing machine revolutionzing the world and states were much more powerful then, and they lost most of their power.

I think humanity faced far worse odds.

But.. I could be wrong, who knows?

Thank you for the great comment, and of course you can disagree with me anytime you want, that's what makes us free folks :)

Thank YOU for a great reply also mate and for your great attitude to disagreement of opinion.

This is just like the printing machine revolutionzing the world and states were much more powerful then, and they lost most of their power.

This is synchronistic since I just wrote a post a few hours before you pretty much arguing the opposite point of view and used this same example of the printing press to make a completely different argument. :)

Haha well then here's to free minds!

Great points yet that is why the hatchet job is starting to strengthen.

If this was something they could control, you wouldnt see Dimon out there publicly bashing it. Yes, we all know the political/corporate/media establishment is all owned by the bankers. They are the true ones in control. That said, decentralized currencies which are driven by the coding of the blockchain not attached to any country, I fail to see how they can stop it.

It bitcoin gets knocked off, something else will materialize.