
Lol reseated RAM, technical term for pushed on it a bit lol

The RAM was fine haha, was probably one of the other things they did which helped, besides driver updates as I already did that.

I can't imagine not having my desktop for a week! That's pretty long though that it went into the workshop. Isit common to have your pc fix that long? In Malaysia, it takes around 3-5 days.

Well it was depending when the truck got to the store and took it into the workshop. Then there is how many people were in front of me for things to be fixed, then add in them testing before fixing and testing again and sending it back on the truck. If it was straight on the truck and first few to be fixed, could've had it back maybe Friday last week or yesterday.

Word on MY PC

Haha! I actually don't have it, didn't want to pay no more so I just use another type that works fine.

open office ftw XD
Lol everyone at work uses photoshop of office, heres me cranking up gimp and open office lol

Kingsoft WPS Writer works so far, only used it for typing though. XD

Sorry to hear that mate. I can't stand when my electronics crap out.

Amen to that! It sucked, but if all goes well then it will be set to crank on max graphics again.

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