This Man Is Threatening My 14 Month Old Child

in #blog6 years ago

A certain man has been threatening our 14 month old child and it seems that the law does not want to help us.

For six years this man has been harassing and slandering myself and now my family members. He has incited others to cause us actual financial harm, theft and vandalism on our property. He mocks us and brags about his actions. He has no fear of the law because the law is not stepping in to help us.

This has included damage to property, vehicles and animals so far.

So far the law has done nothing at all about it to date.

Now he is going after our little 14 month old baby. He has vowed to continue harassing us through attempts at having her taken away until the day he dies.

He has vowed to go to her school in a couple years and spread slanderous filth about me to her class mates and teachers. He vows to never stop until the day he dies.

Police and the legal system have done nothing at all.

He turned us into CPS for child endangerment on fraudulent and very extreme terms yet the law does nothing at all.

He vows to continue turning us into child protective services until the day he dies.

We need help.

We need help putting a stop to this man harassing our little child. We need to put a stop to this man threatening our little girl for the rest of her life.

I am quite sure he and his friends will be here on this article harassing and slandering me. I will be quite surprised if he does not gray out this very article in attempt to hide it.

He has been spreading false criminal accusations about me and then gets my proof of innocence removed when I attempt to defend myself.

But when you threaten to endanger my child you have gone too far!!!!!!!

I will continue to seek help until this comes to a stop.

Stop harassing my child!!!!!!!!!!


If law enforcement won’t help you, what makes you think someone from Steemit can help?

Oh, I know....this is one of your classic ploys to get donations for legal fees or something.

Just like when you hinted on your YT channel that you needed $30,000.00 to build a shed to hide two other sheds and your junk in your yard.
When you hinted you needed $30,000.00 to build an enclosure under the over-hang roof of the single wide trailer you don’t use anymore.

For visitors not familiar to Troy Reid and his e-begging career....
NO ONE is threatening his alleged child or internet purchased wife from the PI.

It is the author that is under intense scrutiny regarding his ineptness and indifference towards his family and all aspects of his public life.

That’s why law enforcement allegedly refuses to help him.
Because he cries wolf for drama and sympathy donations to remain un-employable.
...right Melanie?

Not asking for any money.

I want my story out.

I am NOT going to build a structure.

I am NOT going to court because the court will NOT help.

I am NOT asking for money or donations.

I am asking certain persons to STOP harassing my little child.

I am asking certain persons to STOP threatening to harass my child in school.

I am asking certain persons to STOP threatening my child.

I am asking people to spread this story. The law will not act. My family needs help to stop the harassment of my little girl.

Keep doing your thing; haters gonna hate! Don't let them know they have any effect, and starve them from the attention they crave in their empty little lives.

Thank you. I will keep going.

I do hope that you find a way to resolve your harrassment problem Sir @thediyworld that is just sad.

I realise it's hard to know how honest people are being on the internet. However, judging by the replies I'm reading on here (those that haven't been later cleared by the poster), if they're wanting to prove something then harassment seems to be the only thing they're proving. CPS is no joke and can just as easily ruin the child's life as the parent's if things aren't very serious.

If you are genuine, my advice to you is to document as much evidence of this as possible. There are people in the @familyprotection group who might be able to offer advice on dealing with CPS.

Thank you very much. I will go check them out. As you can see, there is a lot of evidence here and elsewhere.

Have seen you stoop low Reid but not as low as this, you really are the scum of the earth, arnt you Reid.

No one is harassing your child or your family Trog, if anything they are trying to protect them from the dangerous idiot you are.
You should be locked up in a padded cell Reid you’re a danger to society!

This is typical of you Reid, whoring your daughter out for money so near to Christmas because you’re a complete failure providing to keep and feed them.
No one is sucked in by your lies anymore Reid, how many of your $100k subs have supported you in your T-Shirt ebeg campaign, three at the last count, ROFLMAO.

To the unsuspecting visitor, pay no attention to this leech he is nothing but a low life ebegger and scammer, please don’t be sucked in by him, he is a dangerous person!

You guys are doing a good enough job showing clear harassment.

Is this the reason you keep getting turned in Troy, because of the concern about the damp dirty hovel you have provided for your daughter.

This is your own video BTW never posted on You Tube.

@thediyworld "A certain man has been threatening our 14 month old child and it seems that the law does not want to help us."

Who is threatening your child?

I see old codge showed his face by being the first to down vote me.

He runs the website which is hell bent on destroying my family. You can find all their work on there


Oh no. I wanted you guys to come right out in the open yourselves.

No. I have never been taken to court. Is it not a fact that members of your website have turned us into CPS for child endangerment?

Is it not a fact that members of your website have vowed to harass little 14 month old Michelle when she goes to school?

Is it not a fact that members of your website paid someone to come to our home to make video about 1.5 years ago?

So, you do believe as fact the report that the members of your group turned in against us?

The following was reported:

  1. No running water
  2. No heat
  3. No electricity
  4. roof open to the sky
  5. child has no safe place to sleep
  6. child in danger
  7. MULTIPLE piles of stinking garbage all around the house

So you do back these points based on my videos?

Because my videos show the following:

  1. many ways to get running water
  2. 4 sources of heat.
  3. 5 sources of electricity
  4. TWO houses
  5. Two full child bedrooms, one for each house
  6. Happy, healthy child
  7. NO garbage

From the comments on yesterday's article it is clear that people know the locations of our cameras so it is easy to avoid. We are being mocked by our stalkers.

You make claims as fact.




Troy graying out there comments only makes me want to read them. And makes it look like the truth you dont want people too see!! Love your idea of freedom of speach (as long as it goes to helpin you sucker new viewers into donating to your lazy ass)