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RE: Homestead Buried Under Mid April Snow Storm 3 Days And Going

in #blog7 years ago

I mean Really???

You can clearly see the wires in the photo.

"buyer beware"???

We make homesteading videos of our daily lives for your FREE entertainment.

But you harassing us like you do online and in the real world IS criminal!!!


Oh, and yeah, I would say that 5 days of snow, nearly non stop, puts a big damper on solar power production.

actually snow enhances solar power production. one it reflects more light onto the panels and two it keeps the system cold which reduces resistance on the system thus allowing more power generation. but you have never actually run a real system so you wouldn't know this.

So now it's 5 days....??

The title of this blog says 3 days,
And you write 4 days of snow above.

Make up your mind and stick with it T-Liar.

Yeah. Look at the dates and then look at the date yesterday.

Let me help you a little bit.

Read the article.

It was still snowing yesterday.

So, lets do some math.

Try to follow along now. I know its hard....

It started to snow on the 13th.

It was still snowing yesterday

13 - 1
14 - 2
15 - 3
16 - guess how many

Did you guess 4?

hey troy. if you get 2 blowjobs from yur cult on wed nite and come home and give david hansen one of them,how many blowjobs do you have left?

Oh, and today the 17th still snowing. Can you guess how many days that makes?

If you guessed 5 - you are correct.