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RE: Homesteading And Self Sufficiency Involves Hunting And Processing Your Own Food.

in #blog6 years ago

Ryan - fixedbydoc - claims I poached this deer and have been fined and let the meat go to waste.

He claims that I did not tag the deer and put up images "proving" his claims. But anyone can see for themselves that in the videos I did have a deer tag and I did not waste any meat.

Here is an image of the tag stuffed into the ear for transport so it would not get caught on something in the woods:


Notice the bit of orange in the ear. That is not natural deer color.

And then later at home I pulled out the tag so that it was clearly displayed. Yet Ryan denies this and claims it was an illegal kill.

Here is a closer image of the deer tag on the ear when it is hanging up:


Now I am no nature expert but that does not look like a natural part of a deer to me.

How about you?


I do believe you are digging yourself another hole, something you seem to do a lot. What you are attempting to do is plant an idea in the minds of others. What you are asking is for this planted idea to superseded what their eyes tell them. Sir, when are you going to wake up and see how you are endlessly setting yourself up for failure? There is/was no tag present in the first few videos. No matter how much you try and point it out, critical thinkers will not succumb to this programming. Again, I cannot say you did or did not have a licensee prior to killing this animal, but it is very clear you violated the rules of proper tagging. The fact that you dodge around what is clearly known only makes people more suspicious.

Watch the videos. The same ones posted here on this blog. The tag is there. It was dark and grainy video but you can see it on the videos.

tag is not on the deer in the original video. you have not posted that video here on steemit.

This is the video:

Here is a close up of the tag in the ear:


Later I pulled it out, after transport:


Proof Ryan is a liar

i didnt say you got fined for it troy. i said you got investigated. big difference. and you purchased that tag AFTER you shot the deer and it is NOT SEEN in your original video of shooting and transporting the deer which you refuse to post here. you applied a tag you bought after you shot the deer which is a violation. you were reported for that. you have not proven anything yet.

Oh look at this Ryan - now I must be an amazing time traveler. Look at the date on my license. Now think about this a minute...

You state as fact - well, let me copy and paste what you said "you purchased that tag AFTER you shot the deer"

Now look at the date on the tag:


Now when was hunting season? Oh, it was November 15th right?

Now when did I kill that deer? Oh, it was November 17th right?

So you are a stinking LIAR Ryan. A plan pure simple liar Ryan.

You see, I show real proof of my claims. Real, solid, hardcore proof. Unlike liars.

that tag is clearly unused. the point of the tags is that they are one time usable and tamper evident. your posted tag here has clearly never been used. it can easily be a pic you got off the internet. no proof it is yours. the one you claim you used and showed after the fact on the deer is crumpled and messed up and certainly NOT this one.

Yes Ryan. I have many tags. The point is that you claim I purchased a tag AFTER killing a deer illegally. But this is evidence that I DID have tags BEFORE killing a deer.

Which proves you are a liar.

Or do you truly believe I traveled in time, back to September, after shooting the deer in November, just to purchase a tag?


Get your head on straight.

then why not show the actual tag you used on the deer? this tag here proves NOTHING!

As further proof, you can refer to the video I made AFTER hunting, showing my hunting licenses. That is on YouTube Ryan. NOT a picture. My hunting licenses.

Oh look. I have a screen print from that video:


If, as you stated on YouTube, the DNR took my rifle and licenses and deer.....

Well, its absolutely absurd......

I cant say any more...

it was not stated that the DNR took your rifle and license...

i asked you if they did and asked you to show them if you still had them...

i never said the DNR took them...

again you need reading comprehension classes...

hence why i am typing my sentences out like this in short bursts...

perhaps you can comprehend the words better...

Now go away and stop harassing my family Ryan - doc

how is commenting to you have anything to do with your family. im simply debating your lies with YOU not mel or your baby. not once have i said a word about your family.

Oh. What about your false reports to CPS (child protective services) recently?

What about your video swearing to have our child taken away?

What about illegally turning me in for poaching?

And much more.

i didnt turn you in for poaching, others did.

i am a mandatory reporter for children and it is my legal duty to report child endangerment and anything i see that might be... it is up to CPS to determine what is or isn't safe for child...

i will continue to turn in your child endangerment until you make your home safe...


how about the fact that I have you on video - personally stating that you destroyed my source of income?

Yes, you admitted 2x in that video that you destroyed my source of income. Bet you did not realize that huh?

Its on YouTube.

where is your evidence that proves your claims that i came to your home and vandalized your property?

where is your proof i killed your cats?

where is your proof i come to your home uninvited and harass you and spy on you?

you have none because it is all lies!

Where is you evidence that I ever made such claims???

I never said you came to my property.

I never said you killed my cats

You did come to my home uninvited. Its on video.

you invited me to your home and it is on video.

the evidence of you making false claims about me is all over your videos and your comments from the last 6yrs. it is well documented here as well:


again just because you delete it doesnt mean it never happened...

what you have is me stating i destroyed your steemit account for slandering me and falsely accusing me of crimes i didnt commit.

Oh. but no. In that video you also admit that the reason for all your attacks on me and my family...

The reason for your "revenge"....

all started because someone told you that I said something bad about you.

OH, and you hate my "man spread".

no troy you tend to pick and choose what you hear and want to believe. maybe its because of that anti social disorder you told me you have that causes you to misunderstand people and drives you to lose friends etc... you really need to seek counseling and perhaps medication.

i said the reason i hate you is for your lies and false accusations about me, your mannerisms, your antics, your holier than thou personality, and your failure to take responsibility for your own actions.

and yes troy i said you are disgusting the way you "man spread" and present yourself.

maybe if you spent more time listening and less time arguing you might get ahead in life.

feel free to visit my sites to see the unedited videos from our visit that show our real and unedited conversations...

FBD Sticker 4.jpg

i challenge you to an open and public meet and greet at a place of your choosing.

you may invite your followers.

i will invite mine.

we will have an open debate.

we can livestream the event on both our youtube channels at same time.

we can do it on any date you want with the exception of the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of each month because i teach classes on those days.

you are a LLC which makes you a business...

it is within my legal right to give a review of any business and it is not slander...

my opinion is not considered slander as it is an opinion...

I am not an LLC. I am a person.

But wait a minute .. So you are saying that it is ok and legal to slander and destroy a business?

Did I understand you right?

So now you claim you don't have DIYW license under an LLC?

You understand everything you do under the name of the do it yourself world is subject to the laws and regulations of your LLC?

This means by law people are legally allowed to give their opinions about you and your DIYW stuff irregardless if you agree with their opinions.

I have never slandered nor libeled nor said false things about you or your DIYW business or family.

I have only ever spoken the truth as i know it to be and have witnessed it to be and/or given my opinion on subjects relating to you and/or your DIYW business.

If you feel I have committed a crime in any form then you are free in America to file charges and let the courts determine so.

My name is:
Ryan H. Lipinski
I live in Marquette County Michigan
My email is:
Proof of my identity:
My Vet ID Card.jpg

timcat says hello.

Oh, so you only say I got investigated now?? Earlier you said as fact that I got fined and got my deer taken away. Wasnt that on YouTube? You stated as fact that they took away my deer and probably my rifle as well. Remember that?

If I had purchased the tag AFTER the deer kill then you could not see it in the video. And then it makes me an awesome time traveler because I bought my tags in August/September. I wonder if the tags show the date - let me see.....

i think you need reading classes troy.

your blog is gone and not coming back troy. face it you got busted.

you dont see the deer tag in your original deer video. you dont see it until several days later when you start skinning it in a different video.

Now Ryan - doc - I dare you to leave up MY evidence of the REAL truth.

when you post some undoctered evidence i will leave it up. you have yet to post the original videos you made of you shooting the deer and transporting it illegally...

I copied and pasted this right out of the very same videos linked here Ryan. Watch them for yourself. Actually the small image you posted as "evidence" shows the same tag. Its just dark and grainy at that time so it is not very clear.

I blew up the image a bit so you can see it a bit better.

Ryan, filming in a dark room is not enough to convict a person on. The tag is clearly there in the image you yourself posted.

Not sure about "transport illegally". I had no idea it was illegal to transport a deer on a hand cart. LOL

you have failed to show the video to which i took the screen caps from of your illegal poaching.

Here is the video:

And here is a close up from THIS VERY VIDEO. I simply screen printed from this video.


Sure it was dark and a grainy video. But you can see the tag in the ear.

Later once the deer was hanging, after this video, I pulled it out to show it properly:


Also screen printed from a video on this very blog. You can see me walking past the tag and bumping it with my leg.

Proof I still have hunting rights therefore I was not prosecuted for poaching as Ryan claims as fact:


All proof that Ryan - Doc - is a flat out liar.

it is illegal to transport a deer without a tag regardless of hand cart or not.


Again, for all to see I have nothing to hide.

This proves who the liar really is.

Here is my hunting license bought BEFORE hunting season:


Notice the date.

BEFORE hunting season.

Hunting season began on November 15th. I shot my deer on November 17th.

Yet Ryan - Doc - claims I bought my license AFTER I shot the deer and was investigated for it. Earlier he said I was fined and stated it as fact. And he stated that it was public record.

Yet here he is caught lying clearly.