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RE: Back To Steemit After Half A Year
Ryan, I am only removing harassment and slanderous filth said about myself, my business and my family.
I do believe I have every right to defend myself on my own blog.
If I was left alone here and not slandered on my own blog I would be out on steemit talking to others with my time instead. History shows my actions up to the point you guys started to harass me here.
it is proven fact you are a fraud. no one is going to stand by and let you con our friends and fellow steemians without spreading the facts about you. dont like freedom of speech then dont advocate it.
Ryan for 6 years you have continued to shout that I am a fraud and turn me in for crimes I did not commit.
Yet I walk free.
And you never ever show any real evidence (that you did not fabricate, which was obvious) to prove otherwise. Because there is none.
After 6 years and all the crimes you reported me for if I was guilty for a tiny fraction of those, I would not be free today.
the stuff you have been turned in for only gets you fines not jail time. you have been reported for code violations, endangerment of a child, failure to comply to county regs, shitting in the woods long term, and so on. none of that gets you jail time unless you fail to pay the fines. which is public record you did. you posted the video of yourself at sam point with an illegal campfire at the same time/place the wild fire broke out. your own video proved you there. i did not edit your video. i gave the authorities your youtube link and they watched your video on your youtube channel. so unless you are claiming i have your password to your youtube channel then there is no way i could have edited your videos. i talked to them over the phone to make that report and recorded it. it is archived on the sucks site.
I do believe at the time of the sam point fire there was a statewide burn ban/restriction for any fires due to the overly dry season. This ban was in force at the time he recorded the video of the rocket stove being used in close proximity of dry tinder and leaves. While the video doesn't prove he was the cause of the fire, the preponderance of evidence suggested that he was suspect. At any rate he constructed a fire during restrictions which he may or may not have been fined.
troy claims i faked his image doing that lol...
NY always has a state wide burn ban year long except for a very limited time when there is snow on the ground in certain areas. its been that way for years.
That would also make him in violation for his open burn pit when he was living on the back lot of that elderly woman. Its a wonder that whole area didn't burn from all that garbage that he hauled in, such as a 150 foot long, 8 foot tall, 10 foot wide pile of barn wood. It is so big you can see it on Google Earth. He left a mountain of garbage when he left there leaving it to an old woman to clean it up. And even worse much of that garbage is in close proximity to federal protected wetlands. A true disaster that turned out to be.
You make such claims but then back it up.
If its public record that I supposedly paid all these fines then show the records.
Oh. You cant. Cause it never happened.
been there done that and its all over on troybusters for those who want to see it. it was also well documented on sucks. we know the truth whether you share it or not.
Same thing you always say.
If its true, then show it here.
Otherwise, if you cant show evidence it only proves you are lying.
Same story for 6 years now. "I have proof". "I have proof". But never show anything, hoping people will believe you.
where is YOUR proof of your lies and false accusations about me? you claim over and over that i am at your home spying on you and vandalising your stuff from NY to now MI. where is your proof? 6yrs and never once showed any proof! just words and you pointing at shit you destroyed yourself making claims someone else did it. all those trail cams and security cams and you got NOTHING!
Ryan, I dont have to show anything. You are right here lying about me and harassing me openly. I do not make accusations about you. Never.
You make some very bold accusations against me and make claims that I was fined for so many crimes. If that is true then show it HERE. I am NOT asking for your blatant promotion for that hate site you are involved in.
If, as you say, I am a criminal and its public record - show it here. Or shut up.
see proof you delete evidence against you. just look at your blogs threads full of comments showing and telling proof but you flgged them all greying them out...
delete, delete, delete...
like this comment you greyed out here:
"we show the proof but you just refuse to admit it or go look at it. you also delete any proof we share on your accounts. just because you hide and delete what we share doesnt mean or prove we dont show it. hence why troybusters exists. a place where you cant get rid of the proof!"

we show the proof but you just refuse to admit it or go look at it. you also delete any proof we share on your accounts. just because you hide and delete what we share doesnt mean or prove we dont show it. hence why troybusters exists. a place where you cant get rid of the proof!

just because you refuse to admit you have paid fines and been in trouble for your crimes doesnt mean you weren't. ive never lied about you. if you had any proof i lied or was doing even 1% of your claims then you would have no trouble getting me arrested. truth is ive never lied about you and have only ever reported you for real and truthful acts. ive only been to your home once and with your permission. yet you lie regularly about me going there daily harassing you and you lie about me vandalizing your crap and more. you have never shown proof of anyone doing anything. showing the aftermath of damage proves nothing more than you personally screwed something up and are posting blame on others.
go ahead and flag this and see what happens. hide the truth and you will pay the price here on steemit.