Good Morning - Late Season Deer Hunt Starts Today

in #blog6 years ago

Good morning steemit community. Today begins the late season rifle deer hunt. The early deer hunting season was from November 15th to 30th and I got a deer on the 17th but then nothing more.

The pressure out on state land near our property was too much and the deer went into hiding and changed their patterns. You could then see deer all over the roads at night or running wildly across the road by day but not so much grazing at dusk and dawn like their normal pattern.

Today December 17th, 2018 marks the beginning of the late season rifle hunt.

Here is how the day went so far.

First, last night I made sure all my hunting gear was ready to go. Checked my hunting licenses and put them into my hunting back pack. Went to bed at a decent time to be fit and ready for the hunt.

This morning my alarm went off. I woke up - so far- so good. I checked the weather outside. It was in the teens outside - bitter cold - and the wind is blowing powerful hard. Wind like this tears through your clothes and can lower your body temperature in a hurry.

But more important for a deer hunter, strong, heavy winds keep the deer bedded down. Most skilled hunters will tell you the same thing. Deer are not moving much in the strong wind. They have very good vision, sense of smell and hearing. These senses allow the deer to know when a predator is nearby. But with the wind blowing so hard, it can confuse all three senses. Most of the deer stay bedded down at this time.

I believe other hunters in the area are thinking the same thing today because I have not heard a single shot yet this morning.

I sit here drinking my coffee and working online in a warm, cozy off grid tiny house heated by a wood stove.

We are trying to become self sufficient and fully off the grid on a budget. Hunting, fishing and growing our own food are part of becoming self sufficient. We also raise our own chickens for eggs, meat and fertilizer.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our daily videos:

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So how are you going to determine what slander is? Even though the proper term is libel. Just because you don't like or agree with someone says doesn't make it libelous. For example saying Troy Reid is an unemployed gifter and con man who hasn't done an honest day's work since he worked as a trash man for the Dimolia Bros. He survives on the charity of others by reviving gits and donations . He has mail order bride whom he never met until he proposed marriage to her and begged for money to bring her to the United States . He did this by selling t-shirts but accepting donations in excess of the cost. He claims to have an offgrid residence but is sully connected to the grid. He makes that statement to gain sympathy and defraud people who are interested in homesteading.
Now there is ample evidence that supports every one of these statements and the only counter evidence you have ever provided is your insistence that they are not true.

Maybe a cage trap is convenient so that you will just set it up and go back the next day @thediyworld and that will just save you time and money too. @thediyworld

Because you friend didn't explain. You can not trap deer. It is very illegal to to do that here in the states. I hope you health improves but don't take advice vice from your friend.

Although the person who answered you is cruel and mean to myself, they are correct in stating that it is not legal to trap a deer.

So, how are the chickens getting on? Are they all dead yet, now you don't have time to look after them? Why haven't you shown them for weeks?

What about your bountiful greenhouse? All dead?

Fish? Dead?

Cats? How many of them are still hanging on? When are you going to take responsibility for them, and get them sterilised? Or are you planning on using them restocking, ready for next year's mouse explosion?

Have you fixed the chalet roof yet? The greenhouse roof? When are you going to move the workshop solar panels? They have been in full shade for weeks. Who in their right mind installs solar panels 20 yards from a stand of tall trees anyway? Especially when they have a large open lawn like you do...

Will you be off to Canada for Christmas this year, or visiting Melanie and Michelle?

Have you bought them any gifts?

Why don't you show your viewers how successful you are at this homesteading lark, instead of just talking about it?

Troy you claim you are raising chickens as a part of being self sufficient in this very blog , so that being the case why do you have your chickens listed for sale on Craigslist , with the statement you do not have the time to be bothered with them any longer ??

We are no longer selling eggs because this is the winter season and nobody lives out here during winter. There are many summer cabins out here.

We will be keeping enough chickens for our own needs.

It is interesting that you guys search out and find every little thing we do. Even ebay sales or craigslist ads. The dedication you guys show to harassing my family is quite above and beyond incredible.

Oh you have no idea my ghoul , we even know the gals that work at SUNRISE , they even have a pretty good pizza and the bosco sticks are good as well . Next time you stop in say hello for me , oh and it would be great if you would do the same the next time you and melanie shop for groceries at Family Fare Supermarket .

This sounds like stalking to me. I am sure you dont live in this town. You have been stalking me since NY

Have you moved the game camera from the end of the trailer yet ??? How about the one that is pointed towards the sheds and saw mill ?? Maybe you should think about having a camera pointing at a better angle towards the show truck .

Why do you thumb down every single one of my videos? Is that not abuse?

Skilled hunters hunt the wind.
I have watched your hunting videos this fall and am convinced you are NOT skilled, at any of it.

You even failed to properly sight-in your rifle.

You violated the hunting regulations of the state of Michigan by improperly tagging a harvested deer, failing to wear the required blaze orange vest or coat and possibly shooting a firearm too close to nearby houses.

You admitted to shooting the deer eating your garden next to your houses.

There is much more questionable and unethical tidbits about your so-called “hunt” that draw unwanted and negative attention to you.

I won’t even get into the venison meat and hide you most likely wasted.


How's your t-shirt sales going troy? I hear you sold 3. If i understand right you need to meet a certain quota in order for any shirts to be delivered?

You should go over to spread shirt where there are no quotas. I sold 9 shirts in the same amount of time you sold 3. And my customers are already wearing them. Although you cant ask for donations there and I know you rely heavily on donations to get by. So maybe it isn't for you.

Here is their link just in case you were interested:

Here is one of my happy customers wearing their hoodie they just ordered:


@thediyworld can you show the rifle you use to shoot your last deer. a picture of it with today's newspaper date showing? that savage 308 bolt action you used. honest request. if you still have it then you should be able to show it here.

if you dont have a newspaper from today then perhaps your cellphone date screen would do.

Stop threatening my child. And why are you going to go to her school?

he wont show it doc.he wont do it just to spite you. everything about troy reid absolutely screams HOARDER. that includes filling that freezer with deer and fish and not using it to eat before going out and getting more. i dont know about mi. but wi. has posession limits on species caught daily and in your freezer. this is to make sure that natural resourses are not wasted. if it wasnt for the dnr, there wouldnt be any animals left in this country because of people like troy reid. its pure human greed and stupidity that made some species go extinct.

i honestly believe troy wont show it because he doesn't have it any more. i mean he used to show it all the time. that is before he was turned in for poaching. so im guessing the reason he refuses to show it now is because the DNR took it for poaching. troy could put this all to rest by proving he still has the savage 308 rifle by showing it with todays newspaper date but i doubt he can.

not saying it is fact he got it taken. just stating my opinion based on the information at hand that it is possible.

do to my belief that troy reid is an unsafe hunter and blatantly disregards the laws of our state here in Michigan provided by the DNR i am flagging this blog at 100% of my current strength. it is of my opinion that troy reid is dangerous and should not be allowed hunting.

Troy Reid, of The Do It Yourself World and The Off Grid Project, the armchair hunter.

Troy, 'gray out' this comment if you don't believe in free speech.

I do not believe that you have the right to use my business name to harass and slander me.

I do not believe that you have the freedom to harass and slander me on my own blog.

I let this one stay but any slander or harassment gets removed.

It is my legal right as an American to live in peace and express my thoughts and opinions without fear of harassment.

You can go express your thoughts and opinions on your own channel. NOT on mine.

How have I libeled you? Those are your titles, are they not? You shot a deer in your own garden did you not? Hence my term 'the armchair hunter.'

Your 'legal right as an American to live in peace and express my thoughts and opinions without fear of harassment,' but you don't mind violating every other American's First Amendment Rights?

Gray out if you don't believe in the United States Constitution.

You see, there it is already.

I did NOT shoot the deer in my garden. I shot the deer in the wood and showed me hauling it through the forest. There are no trees in our garden.

You write with bold, huge words so your slanderous comments stand out.

You shout that you have rights and I am violating those rights while you slander myself and my business.

All I am doing is writing about my daily life. That violate nobody's rights.

I have the right to blog.

You have the right to leave.

There you go, little font.

And Troy once again, if it spoken it's slander. If it's written, it's libel!! I've been telling you this for a year. See, you learn nothing from your mistakes. Hence why your YouTube channel is failing. You delete critical comments from people offering advice.

Ok. so you are guilty of libel. Thanks for correcting me on that.

Well done Troy. If it's written, it's libel. Now remember that for the future.

What I've written is fact!!! From information supplied by you.

You just keep sitting on your ass and keep your keyboard and armchair warm.

You see, your "facts" are lies. I show evidence from my videos. You guys make up false evidence and call it facts.

Funny you say this: "You just keep sitting on your ass and keep your keyboard and armchair warm."

I make a living online. You are doing just the same as you accuse me of yet this is my job. You just harass people for fun.

I'm guessing he will be driving around the back roads looking for road kill with one of his flashlights handy so he can night shoot.