An Alternative To The Alt-Right For Straight, White Men
Whether you're a casual follower of the news, or a social media keyboard warrior, you have heard of the alternative-right. If not that specific name, then the words white supremacists, racists, xenophobes and anti-Semites in reference have cropped up much more frequently in the news.
Most people are confused why all of a sudden, there's loads of young, white men preaching strong views.
They don't know why it's happening, but it's fuelling their confirmation bias from the liberal media that our demographic are indeed pissed off and resentful to certain groups.
I get it, I really do. We were robbed. We've been fucked over. Our culture, values and jobs were given to homosexuals, immigrants and radical feminists because the weakest of us felt guilty.
Our world is filled with sin, cruelty, ignorance and hypocrisy. We have the right to be angry and to fight back, but we're choosing the wrong way to do so.
Just search 'alt-right' on Return Of Kings, the alt-right epicentre, and most of the results are various writers explaining what went wrong with the ideology and the flaws of it.
The the alt-right has been tarnished as a serious movement, for multiple reasons:
You guys are associated with, or rather your ideology originated from: pick up artists. Is that really the sort of person you want your movement to be known for? Which is actually legitimate, unlike the Nazi and KKK slurs thrown at you by libtards.
You're symbol is a badly drawn frog you stole from a comic strip and turned into a meme.
I'm hoping communitarian organisations take inspiration from the American Solidarity Party, by adopting the pelican. Instead of turning blue the preexisting logo of a party or a random one, such as Blue Labour and Blue Dog.
The clash with liberals in Charlottesville were a PR disaster, whether it was the alt-right's fault or not is up for debate, but I haven't heard of any communitarian protests that lead to a blood bath.
I have a personal anecdote about the red pill, which is related to the alt-right like how tradcon values are tied to communitarianism.
When I started this blog several months ago, my pageviews were rocketing. Each week I was getting more than the previous one. Then I wrote a few posts about the red pill. Thanks to those posts, my views halved then stagnated, and they have only just started to recover a little. Think of all those like-minded people who now avoid the Section like a plague, (but to be fair the now deleted posts from that time deviated too much from the titular niche).
Nonetheless, the red pill poisoned my blog, because the alt-right doesn't just come across as, but is, a hateful ideology. The alt-right and communitarianism are like the dark and light side of the force, from Star Wars.
Both are enlightened and more special than most people, but one draws it's energy from negative emotions.
The alt-right is fearful, hateful, selfish, and arrogant. Communitarian philosophy is trusting, loving, generous, and humble. We believe in pluralism where minority communities respect the natives, and agree that each nation should have civic nationalism, not just the Anglo, white ones.
The alt-right's sentiments have caused them to possess misguided opinions:
Alt-righters want to ban certain immigrants, communitarians have a sensible policy.
Like regular conservatives, the alt-right usually advocates for a smaller govenrment, but I've read monarchism being entertained on their sites. On the other hand, direct democracy, federalism and forms of workplace democracy are the core of communitarianism.
Antisemitism criticisms does have weight to it, you guys were the ones who started (((this))). Communitarians don't have a boogeyman, we don't blame Jews, the Illuminati or a New World Order or even believe they exist, but talking about those things get a lot of pageviews and ad revenue, just ask Alex Jones. Communitarians put the blame on politicians, culture, media and technology, but not an entity or deep state that's working behind the scenes. People create antagonists as a coping/marketing mechanism because their psyche can't handle the fact we're all to blame and a lot of things are random occurrences instead of being carefully orchestrated.
Another criticism of the alt-right's carelessness, is that degenerate hook-up culture and treating strange women like your personal fleshlight is taught and praised. I can't speak for all communitarians, but my feeling is that sexual restraint and monogamy is preferred. Leave the sexual debauchery to the liberals and homosexuals, who engage in orgies and "chem-sex" more often than you think.
As much as alt-righters love fucking women, it's also a belief of theirs that women shouldn't have the right to vote and blame them for the welfare state. First off, communitarians like most people, believe that if you are an adult who is affected by politics, then you deserve a say.
Secondly, welfare is a safety net for all people so they don't fall into poverty, don't spend or create anything towards the economy, starve, become homeless, commit crimes. This is not just an emotional argument about empathy, but an argument that it's in your best interest to pay for someone's welfare temporarily, than for them to be a total burden on society.
In terms of economics, this leads me to a major flaw with alternative-right ideology:
As you're aware, the alt-right is all for neoliberalism and free market capitalism, plus nationalism, protectionism and isolationism.
But there's a little known problem with this: that nationalism and neoliberalism are totally incompatible. Those two core tenants of conservatism are antithetical to one another, just like progressivism and communitarianism.
When capitalists are left alone, they outsource their factories and workers. When public services are privatised, those companies are up for grabs, and usually foreign governments and companies become the contractors to provide the service while the taxpayers are still funding them. Worst of all this means the government is accountable to the foreign buyers, because the outsourced infrastructure becomes a form of blackmail.
So you cannot have both sovereignty and small government. It is tragic that alt-righters think that open borders and multi-national governments are the only threats to sovereignty. I personally realised this issue, after reading about Margaret Thatcher selling British train companies to foreign governments and Eastern Europe prostituting itself to China; both of which were due to beloved privatisation.
Don't be fooled by click-bait articles about the Jew World Order, don't be swindled by the same neoliberal bullshit we've been sold since the 1980's.
I hope that last argument could sway you, unlike the verbal slurs from spastic SJWs. My concerns come from me not wanting to see straight, white men misdirect their wisdom, passion and motivation.
Becoming a communitarian, or rather subscribing to any ideology, is not just merely a change of mind. But a shift in disposition, values and lifestyle.
I'm not going to tell you how to live, but you should question the kind of life that the alt-right sites have lead you to. Although self-improvement is a major aspect, such as work, fitness, clothing, mind, spirituality etc, but think how the beliefs and mindset have on your day-today life.
(This articles was also posted on my blog, The Communitarian Section, you can read it there for links)