Game of Thrones, Masters of the Final Act

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

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Game of Thrones is arguably one of the most shocking television series in the world today. No matter how much you get used to all the plot-twists and surprise endings, chances are that you’re gonna get caught by surprise again.

That phenomenon can be explained in two words: Brilliant storytelling.

Last Line Goes Boom!

Two of the most important things to take into consideration while creating a captivating story are the beginning and the end. Yes I know, the main plot is everything, it’s the Rosetta stone upon the which you build your story.

But how you open the story and how you close it is what ultimately makes the difference if the audience want to see more, or if they should even read or watch your story to begin with.

“Angier: He's a dreadful magician.

Cutter: No, he's a wonderful magician. He's a dreadful showman.”
― The Prestige.

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When it comes to endings, George R.R. Martin and the rest of GOT’s creative team are true masters.

Very often they close episodes (and even seasons) with some totally unexpected and seriously shocking events.

Let me give you a few examples.

Let’s take that episode where Sansa got married to Ramsay, the episode ended with Ramsey tearing Sansa’s clothes apart in the middle of ghastly dramatic melody while the screen fades to black leaving the viewers with a deep sensation of perplexity.

The next day in the press, no one could stop talking about that episode. Outrageous, shocking, provocative… Countless adjectives were thrown around and nobody knows which one is more accurate.

The only thing that we know for sure is that no one was left indifferent.

The very same thing happened a few seasons before that when the Red Wedding took place.

Or even more recently when out of nowhere Cersei Lannister blew up a church full of people in last season’s finale… And the examples go on and on.

But if you think about it, all of these episodes have one thing in common:

The last line goes boom!

As I said earlier, true masters of the craft. Just think back to that season where the final scene had Jon Snow being suddenly betrayed by his friends including a young boy each taking turns stabbing him and leaving him fatally wounded with his blood tainting the snow red.

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Do you remember that one?

People spent the entire summer trying to figure out if Jon Snow was dead or alive.

And now you must be wondering: Are we set for another shock-finale this season as well?

I don’t know that for a fact, but a case could be made that at least one main character is set to die in the last scenes of this season’s finale.

That person has been prophesied to die since the first episode of the first season, and was foreshadowed several times to die exactly in the way the series is leading to.

Yes, it’s an important main character, and no, I won’t reveal it today.

Stay tuned for Thursday’s post where a new adventure awaits us where together we’ll decode all the genius hints and puzzle-pieces left to us to decode by the masterful storytellers of Game of Thrones.

Meanwhile I leave you with a question, who do you think it will be?

To be continued...

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You have taken a lot of time putting all this together this is a fantastic post great pictures and content we love it. Please join our Discord

Don't wanna spoil anything but man that last episode.....

Haha yeah it was epic!

Omg talk about epic... I think arguably the best episode... of all.... lol I literally sat there in awe after it ended and watched all the credits roll up haha

Haha yeah it was amazing!

Game of thrones is probably the only show you can't just leave and watch later when the season is finished.. unless you don' use social media or the internet.. or interact with people. The spoilers are just THAT big

Haha true! You have to stay out of social media if you don't want spoilers. I guess they made a great job to create the attachment and anticipation in the first place.

This explanation is spot on. Great post.

When Robb and Lady Stark got assassinated, I was in utter disbelief - the twists and turns are masterful

FYI - I'm only on season 4 so please no spoilers (I only started a month ago haha)

Thanks for spoiling it for me :( i didnt even start yet! LMAFO

Hahaha sorry guys!

It is amazing, I mean with plot twists and surprises and action you find in every episode you find maybe at the end of a normal show's season!

That last episode, damn, y'all like dragons? get ready haha

Oh yeah, it was an epic episode!

It was a fantastic cliffhanger ending. Now I have to wait 5-more days to see what happens. ;-(

Haha and then 7 more days to the one after that :P They're really excellent at this.

I have to agree. Game of thrones is the biggest masterpiece I've even seen so far. You can call other shows or movies masterpieces but nothing tops Game of thrones.

Oh I don't know what's best, but this is for sure a true piece of art!

I have a few guesses myself, I have a pretty knarly theory that involves three people.......... ;)
And yes that red wedding.... at first I was so pissed I dammed the show... said I wouldnt watch it anymore... lol... let me tell you, I did nothing of the sort, it just dug its hooks deeper into me... hooked! Best show on TV in many many maaaany years imho

umm, the short, the beautiful and the handsome? No spoiler alerts 😋 i got in trouble once years ago on msn for that lol
I think you may know that one eh, they each get their own flying animal :)

Oh which three people?