7 Day B&W Challenge - Day 1
Today, I was nominated by @djynn to do this challenge... Thanks sis!
I nominate @shirayuki to do the challenge!

- Seven black and white images that represent an
aspect of your life.
- Present one image every day for seven days.
- No people.
- No explanation.
- Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the
- Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of
your five tags.
Thanks for the nomination @djynn! ^^
Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Love lots, @tegoshei
Nice property:) I luv the horse in the background, where is the Ferrari????
Hahahaha... To follow.. lol.. ^^ Thanks... ;)
Excellent photigraphy.nice place.
Thanks... ^^
Thankies!!! ^^
You are so fast!!!
Hahaha... Yeah!!! I'm a ninja... jkjkjk~
Sure is a nice place and a different take on the photography. Whoa horsy and the lamp post...don't fall on me. I think you just set off my vertigo. HaHa!
Oops.. hahaha... xDD I like experimenting on my shots... I only use mobile phone, though... the quality might not be that good... but I love taking pictures, too! ^^ Thankies Deb! (^_^)/