A Reason to be Scared part 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

About a week ago a friend should me this video (see link below) they were showing how advanced technology has become with AI in particular I think without regard for consequences. The trouble is, this video shows how a government or company can dictate how we think and how we service their own agenda by force. I don't know if this technology exists or not it is certainly Orwellian, we are as consumers tracked with a variety of devices and different ways, including domestic appliances. I would hope to think this technology would remain in the right hands and be used for good, aiding the rescue for example of mass kidnapping where individuals are at gun point retrained against their will - the perpetrators can then be taken out.

Sounds great does't it, but only if this weaponry is in the right hands, that however is my point who determines and who or what can be trusted, to determine who these right hands in actual fact are our own government perhaps our military or police force, a think tank or even the AI itself? I find none of these particularly tasteful our own government and ministers, politicians all to often serve they're own agenda for political or financial opportunities. All to often the people we choose to defend and support us, betray our values, our prosperity, our religious beliefs, our community, our heritage, our freedoms and to an extent how we think consciously and subconsciously, whether they see themselves doing this or not.

My point is in this country the rule of law (and I am talking of England in particular) was that you/we are all innocent til proven guilty or at least that is as it should be, such values are rapidly being eroded, with camera surveillanceon almost every road and corner, shop's businesses etc (all to keep us feel safe), private - not public courts (such as family and military courts/cases) and so on. This video displays wholesale weaponry marketed to bring down people with a different view to that of our own government or for commercial view points, yes it can be used for good, but it only has to be used once in the name of good but in actual fact for nefarious purposes and we would never know about it because the individuals concerned are all dead. Are we as people not intelligent enough to find ways to rescue individuals from such situations without bloodshed I personally don't know. Would you want you, your family or friend traumatised witnessing such actions of wholesale slaughter of so called terror suspects.

Lets be clear I do not defend terror but I do feel that terror can equally come from international and that of domestic sources including government for a variety of reasons, reasons I have begun to mention above.

If people have to die and I concede there are times when that is absolutely necessary it should never be done as a remote trigger where no one individual is accountable. Imagine if you will the non politically correct playing of two or more children with lets say cap guns, a shot is fired a team is dispatched with such weaponry which is launched from vehicles to keep our own police safe, and such weaponry is used to take out one ore more of these children, that are doing no more than playing. Ok this is an extreme scenario but equally it can and has happened before where young children thought to be carrying firearms have been killed by a member of the local police, so these things do in fact happen.

If these things can happen now with the police we impart our trust, then such technology can make things a thousand times worse. I believe those that pull the trigger should be accountable for there actions and face the consequence's of their decisions and actions. Autonomous vehicles and weaponry in particular with AI, no one person is accountable and is either a mistake or brushed of as a glitch - no one is accountable. Even if the same vehicle of destruction is terminated their is no consequence to the developers or the manufacturer.

I serve myself, my opinons are my own, your comments are most welcome and if you wish to add them can be positive or negative , I only ask such comments be respectful.