Did you know? #67 - The Truth Behind The Lost City of Atlantis

in #blog7 years ago

The Truth Behind The Lost City of Atlantis

It’s no secret that our earth is about 4.5 billion years old. With great age, comes great secrets, and since the dawn of humans about seven million years ago, we’ve had countless civilizations. However, science has now been able to pinpoint that there has been specifically thirty-two specific civilizations that have seemingly just collapsed or went extinct. One of those was the civilizations was that of Atlantis. In this article, we’ll divulge into the truth, mystery, and some science behind the Lost City.

Photo Source: Pixabay

A Brief History

The first known documented utterance of the civilization of Atlantis was back in about 310 B.C.E. The man who wrote about it was a Greek philosopher named Plato, but the story didn’t simply begin with his writings. Within the literature that Plato produced, he told the story of Atlantis as one that had been passed down to him from his grandfather. Reading on, you learn that Plato’s grandfather heard about Atlantis from an Egyptian sorcerer who had stated that the fall of Atlantis happened over nine thousand years before his own re-telling. According to Plato’s re-telling, Atlantis was quite a peaceful city, and actually, the Greek god Poseidon’s domain. The continents had all of their own natural resources, ruled most of the earth, and were able to do so without having to go to war. The population was generally not troublesome in nature whatsoever, and this is why Plato believes the city fell as quick and hard as it did.

Plato had many critics, however, and one was a very prominent astronomer named Aristotle. He made fun of Plato and his story of Atlantis by saying that he was simply making it up and killing it off in order to have good reading material. But is that really the case? A few centuries later in the early 1600s, a new novel entitled Utopia was written about Atlantis in the same light. Though it has now been regarded as a work of fiction, it certainly helped the city re-emerge in the minds of everyone who read about it.

What Does Science Say About Atlantis?

There are a handful of places that Atlantis is thought to have been. Some believe it lies somewhere near the coast of Mexico, others believe that it happened in the little islands surrounding Turkey. However, the most popular place that Atlantis has been hypothesized to be in is in the coasts of Spain in a place called Cadiz. It is an area that stretches all the way to Ireland, and it matches the description Plato gave of the continent’s enormous size. According to some physicists, Atlantis actually existed and was apparently destroyed entirely by a monstrous flood. They’ve been able to obtain some satellite imagery, and groups of physicists and geographers alike state that the structures of land found also certainly match Plato’s account of the continent.

In addition to this, there have also been humungous anchors made out of stone that were found along the coast of Spain. With help from carbon dating technology, scientists have found these particular anchors to be about 14,000 years old—another factor that matches up with the timeline provided by Plato. Scientists have been lucky enough to find six of them, and they firmly believe that if there are six, there undoubtedly must be more.

Another oddity found among the area in which Atlantis is said to be is the rock paintings and carvings found within the caves along the coast. These ancient photo stories also depict the story of Atlantis meeting it’s sad demise with a great and terrible flood. Could these rock paintings and carvings have been created by someone who perhaps survived somehow? It’s difficult to tell.

Unfortunately for Atlantis supporters, aside from the six anchors made of stone, there has been no other proof that’s been discovered in regards to the Lost City. Once in awhile, there will be a strange rock that will appear or some other type of sea oddity that looks as if it were made by an advanced civilization for their time period. However, these things have been connected to other civilizations such as the extinct Mayans or others similar to them

All in all, it’s not exactly doubtful that Atlantis existed. The proof may be hard to come by, but considering the mysteries that the Earth contains and everything that it’s capable of, it very well could have happened. Water erodes and dissolves things at a rapid rate, and after 14,000 years, the entire city could really have been swallowed whole by the sea. We’ll just have to wait for more evidence, if any, to wash ashore.


Do you have a reference for the science which has identified 32 previous civilizations? That is new to me and I would like to look into that more.

the lost city of atlantis is a fable surely?

I have read books, watched documentaries, and researched. Still difficult to tell my honest opinion about it.