I won the lottery
Few days ago I played a lottery ticket and today I looked at the ticket numbers. Wow. It can't be. It finally happened, Lady luck smiled upon me. I am rich. Now I can do with my life whatever I want, and I will never have any financial worries in my life ever again.
Well.... Thats only half-true. I mean, I bought the ticket at a store, but I guessed right exactly ZERO numbers in a 7 out of 39 combination. And i played three combination of seven numbers. So it means I picked 21 number out of 39. And out of 7 winning numbers I guessed none. I find comfort in a fact that this is also very hard to achieve.
But let us put aside my failure at gambling. I am used to that, and it is not that interesting or uncommon. What I find interesting is that every time I play a lottery ticket, a small portion of my mind fantasises. WHAT IF? What if I win. Small, barely noticeble smile comes unto my face. What would I do with all that money. Usually I don't allow myself for these kind of thoughts. I don't know why. I find it a waste of time. I don't want to get my hopes up considering I have bigger chances of being hit by a meteorite. And then that little, fragile smile dissapeares from my face.
This time I made an exception. I decided I deserve to fantasize a little bit. I want to live in a - What if land - at least for a short period of time. But with one major alteration. I am going to do it properly. I am going to make a plan what to do with all that money, and how to spend it wisely. - I suck at daydreaming, don't I ? -
Why I created this construct, this plan is because I've read somewhere that big lottery winnings actually ruined lifes of many winners. And that is not going to happen to me.
My plan
3.5 million euros is a prize money for this lottery
**Step no.1 **
Pay the mortgage. This is the first step for sure. I am not sure if it is even possible to put it in numbers, but my life quality would go up by... I don't know ,1 million points, no, no 1 million million points. To be free of that financial noose, what relief that would be.
Total sum: 100 000 euros
Step no.2
50% of all winnings I would give away. Lets be honest. That money is not earned, it was given to me by pure luck. So what is the point in keeping all that money to myself especially when now, when I have the ability to solve some other people's problems. My family would recieve a good portion of it. People who I know personally and I know they are struggling would also recieve a nice gift. I wouldn't give money to organizations or shelters or places like that, because I would rather give larger sums of money to smaller number of people, but than I would know I actually helped them. For example: I don't want to give the money to some homeless center although they would probably buy more beds, or they would install better quality heating system or something like that. Instead I would rather help 4 homeless people with money so they would get a nice place to stay, they could straighten up and find a job, and now that is 4 homeless people less in the homeless shelter.
Total sum: 1 400 000 euros
Step no.3
Help 2 startup projects. But with some conditions. First their ideas and projects need to be green projects that include new technologies. Another condition for them would be is that they work must, in some way, improve the community that is hosting them. I would not ask of the owners of startups to sell their souls to me. They would remain in charge of everything, but I would have a power of veto if their decisions threaten the two first conditions.
Total sum: 1 000 000 euros
Step no.4
Ensure that my children can choose to be whatever they want to be in life. Money for the first flat and also any form of education they see fit for them would be ready at a moments notice.
Total sum: 500 000 euros
Step no.5.
This step is kind of blurry. Because in this step I would invest money. The only part that is not blurry is that would buy a great deal of steem. I really believe this blockchain has a bright future. And what I can see from other people's blogs many of them share my opinion.
Total sum: 450 000 euros
If you are wondering : shouldn't there be 50 000 euros more - well there aren't available anymore. Beacuse I spent them in Step no 0.
Step no 0 is buying a lot of roses for my wife and taking her to a dream vacation. She deserves it.
These are my fantasies. I know everyone has these kind of thoughts and dreams, please share them with us in the comments section.
Thank you for reading.
Image source:
Step (-1): Earn/Buy lots of Steem Power.
It's in my 5th step, for sure. But thats the easy part. Hard part is to win the lottery at all. Haha
Ah,romantic you ;)
Nice post, it is not just saying, it really is.
Thank you. I really made this plan in my head, and one of the reasons why is that actually I want to do something ridiculously expensive for my wife. But until then, a single rose here and there will have to do the trick :)
I love step 0! You've made me wonder what I would do with a big win now! I would definitely also pay off the mortgage and take a vacation, gift money to friends and family, maybe pay for one big family reunion 💓 I'm off to go dream some more!
But maybe dreams will come true ;)
Even if none of this is true, it is enjoyable to read!
Only one way to find out ;)
Cestitke za donaciju steembalkanu
Ma nista, bit ce jos za sedmicu dana kad se isplati ovi prosli post
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'll follow this plan before playing the next lottery. It may help me to win and spend the rest of my life comfortably. I'll not have financial issues anymore. I have also visited a site that is an bandar togel online having a list of trusted lottery sites. You can check these sites to to play games online for earning money.