IRL Shello 10-22-2018
Yesterday was all around fantastic, except for that stomach ache. I gotta remember to drink more water!

Wedding with my childhood friends! (left to right) Mei Fonn, Lisa, Karmen, her now husband Bryson, Me, Vivianne
I'm trying something a different for now, gonna write a little diary where I just talk about what's going on in my day to day!
Grades Are In!

An A- is still an A, and thank the heavens my class is over. I do take accelerated courses, so my next one actually starts today haha. I'm taking CIS 230.30 Programming in Visual Basic. I spent a little time weighing out my options for that $150 book that is required for the course. Since I'm an online student, I would need to buy the electronic one, but that means no selling for me once my class ends in 2 months.
I'm going to try to see if I can borrow it from the library!
My Stomach Wanted to Fight Me During Work
At my second job. I work as a server for a private catering company that does weekend brunch and dinner services for the Yacht Club in Honolulu. Which really means that I smile, and run your food out to you! I woke up at 6:30am and other than being sleep deprived, my insides were sour and twisted. Still made it in on time.
Those 5 hours were somewhat of a blur to me. Wrapping utensils, food running, bussing, and hands deep in the "dish pit" (dish washing station with hose, and hot dishwasher)—while trying my best not to double over from the pain I was in. It was well worth, with my tips included, my Fri and Sun shift (total 11 hours) netted me $20/hour.
I will work with a stomach ache!

A Wedding Reunion
A couple hours into my shift Vivious shot me a text asking if I needed a ride to our friend's wedding we were attending. I changed after work and got picked up to head to a small chapel in Waikiki where the ceremony was being held.
My friend Karmen was getting married, and is one of the people I can say I've known literally for their entire life. Her older sister Jia Li was my first friend I made when I was two, and we lived next to each other. Karmen is 2 years younger that Jia and I, so you could imagine how happy I was to be asked to attend.

Vivianne's older sisters were also friends with Karmen and Jia Li, so it was only natural to have her be my awesome date for this. When we got inside, Karmen's mom immediately recognized me and grabbed me by the hand, pulling us over into the bride chamber where she was. We decided to say our hellos and wait for the ceremony to start. We were joined by our other friends Lisa, and Mei Fonn that we've all known for pretty much our whole lives.
... My stomach was still dying, but there was no way I was going to miss this.
There was an organ player and a singer, and I cried of course x'D Our other friend Allan and his wedding shoot team were swarming the chapel for the best angles. This didn't stop us from trying to take our own photos too!

"Young Adults Table" At the Reception
It was at a super nice restaurant in Ala Moana called; Jade Dynasty. We were all surprised that although there were hundreds of people there, Karmen thought far enough ahead to put us all at the same table! Having a Chinese wedding, means having a lion dance performance. During these, the crowd "feeds" the lion dollar bills for good luck.
All of us took Wing Chun in Chinatown when we were younger and did lion dance as well. We got an idea when the lion got closer to our table and me and Meifonn lifted Karmen's sister up so the lion had to "fight her" for the money. It was really fun.
Allan came back to our table with a gigantic bottle of Crown, servers were bringing plate after plate of things from soups, to vegetable dishes, fish, lobster, and crab. It was pretty unbelievable, but I'm not going to a wedding to take pictures of the food.

Everyone Got Deaf
Vivious was telling all of us an interesting story in Vietnamese superstition. If you ever wake up at night and there is a fresh pimple on your face, you are supposed to wipe your spit on it, and it disappears in the morning. The strange thing about this ritual is that you cannot speak at all once starting, until you wake up in the morning. Obviously, we were all mesmerized by this tale—except Allan. He thought she said; "Pit-bull," and it was glorious. We kept teasing that if we spit on the Pitbull, it disappears in the morning.
A short while after, the wedding Mcs announced one of the events going on, but it was too soft to hear. Allan told our table it was the "garter toss", and Mei Fonn didn't hear him. She tried to correct him by saying;
"You mean tartar sauce?"
To which Allan said;
"Yeah, you spit on the Pitbull and it disappears."

We all took photos, drank, and were very merry. It's been over 20 years since everyone got to hang out together, and I am very happy for Karmen and Bryson. I'm also happy for this little renuion we got to have!

Not everything in the past needs to be forgotten.
Lovely. I wish every day was so fun. :)
Edit: Noticed you're powering down. Will you be coming back?
I also wish everyday was fun c;
And you have a great point there! Power down stopped.
Thankies @cryptosharon
Lol, it's OK if you need it. I just wanted to know if you were leaving and coming back later. I'd miss you.
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LMAO I think the best jokes are from misunderstandings :3 it's much better than having arguments spawn from them.